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April 2022 Newsletter

ICF North Texas | Published on 4/4/2022

Important Dates

April 8  Hybrid Chapter Meeting 11:15 AM-1:15 PM CT

April 14  SE Region Webinar: 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT

April 15  Deadline - Coaching Week Lunch & Learn Proposals

May 12  SE Region Webinar: 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT

May 13  Virtual Chapter Meeting 11:15 AM-1:15 PM CT

May 16 - 22  International Coaching Week

June 23  New Member Orientation - 12:00 PM

October 14  Celebrate Coaching 2022

New Members and New Credentials

Welcome to Our New Members

Jim Hurlburt
Michele Mitchell, ACC
Laura Myers, ACC
Kneisha Sanders
Schartryce Mason
Pallavi Ridout
Lauren Vosbein

Congratulations on Your New Credentials!

Pallavi Ridout, ACC
Ulrika Nilsson, PCC

      Board Member Message

Read the Board Message 

     Monthly Events

April 8 Hybrid Chapter Meeting and Program
Live & In-Person MCC Coaching Demonstrations
Sara Smith, MCC – Teresa Pool, MCC – Jay Harris, MCC

11:15 AM – 1:15 PM

In Person at Las Colinas Country Club
4400 N O’Connor Road
Irving, TX 75061

Or Virtually Via Zoom

Hybrid Chapter Meeting Cost For Members and Non-Members:
In-Person Attendee – $40 / Virtual Attendee – $30

Note: ICF North Texas members have asked for returning to in-person meetings, but with a virtual option. Whether attending in-person or virtual, our goal is to offer a hybrid meeting that provides the best possible experience and value for all.

There is more complexity and expense to offering hybrid/streaming meetings compared to Zoom-only meetings. We hired an experienced professional producer to help facilitate this hybrid meeting, which is an added expense for our chapter.

The 2022 plan is to hold one hybrid meeting per quarter, with virtual Zoom-only meetings between that will remain $10.

Covid-19 Precautions For Face-to-Face Gatherings: To provide the most comfortable in-person lunch meeting experience on January 14, here are some health precautions and arrangements we are taking:
    Social distancing – extra space between seats at the lunch table
    Lunch will be either individual box lunches or plated/served (instead of self-service buffet)
    Hand sanitizer will be available
    If you are not fully vaccinated, please wear a mask except when eating
    Masks are welcome, regardless of vaccination status
    Everyone is encouraged to be respectful of others’ space
    Always ask before physical contact (tip: an elbow-bump or fist-bump instead of handshake)

Meet Our Presenters:

Sara Smith, MCC is a passionate advocate for our coaching community, having served as chair of the ICF Global Board in 2020, as vice chair of the ICF Global Board for three years (2017 – 2019), and being the founding leader of the ICF Southeast Region and co-leading the group for six years. And she was part of ICF North Texas chapter leadership for eight years. As Principal of Smith Leadership, Sara guides business executives, athletic coaches and university executives to and through meaningful transformation. She has 30 years of leadership experience with IBM and a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from TCU.

Teresa Pool, MCC is a highly experienced coach and human behavior specialist with over 25 years of working with leaders and teams to select the best talent, overcome barriers and create a higher degree of success. Her specialty is partnering with senior executives and high potential leaders that want to move quickly to the next level of performance. In addition to her nation-wide private practice, Teresa is the ACTP Director for the Executive Coach Training Program at the University of Texas at Dallas. She also provides career development coaching for their Executive MBA program. In addition to her MCC credential, Teresa holds credentials as a Certified NeuroTransformational Coach (CNTC) and Neuro Linguistics Master Practitioner.

Jay Harris, MCC is the founder of Coach Impact, a LifePlan Coaching practice. He is a Master Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation and has been coaching for seventeen years. Jay has an extensive history teaching coaching skills with Coaching4Clergy and Coaching4Today’s Leaders. Jay enjoys mentoring coaches in their certification processes as an ICF Certified Mentor. He serves as the National Director of Coaching for CORE7, an organization of retired and retiring ministers. His coaching areas of focus are LifePlan, transition, leadership, spiritual development, prayer, and marital/premarital coaching. Jay holds two master’s degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Over the past five years, one of the most popular programs we have had was the MCC coaching demos. ICF-North Texas is blessed with several MCC coaches with several more coming soon. This month we are bringing back the MCC coaching demos. Sara Smith, Teresa Pool, and Jay Harris will provide some laser coaching demonstrations for those in attendance and those participating virtually. All participants will have the opportunity to experience two demonstrations, ask questions, and be inspired by these exceptional coaches.

CCEUs for this Program: 1 One Core Competency credit

Read the entire program description and register here:

April 14 Southeast Region Webinar
Three Keys to Negotiating Success
Susan Borke, J.D.

12:00 – 1:30 PM CT
Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20

Susan Borke’s years of experience at CBS and National Geographic provided extensive opportunities to hone the negotiation techniques she has been teaching to business professionals for over 30 years. With a background in legal and financial administration, she understands the value of successful negotiating skills. More information can be found at and LinkedIn (
How great would it be if you could walk into any negotiation feeling confident and walk away satisfied that you had the best possible outcome? In this presentation, Susan Borke will teach you three elements that you can use to improve your negotiations with your clients, teams, family and friends.

CCEUs for this Webinar: 1 Resource Development / 0.5 Core Competency Credits

Read the entire webinar description and register here:
April 14 Southeast Region Webinar

        Chapter News


International Coaching Week 2022

Request for Proposals – Accepting Proposals April 1 – 15
Proposal Submission Deadline – April 15

To celebrate the power and impact of professional coaching during International Coaching Week (ICW), this year the ICF North Texas Chapter will host 45-minute “Lunch and Learns” from May 16 – 22, with two session per day from 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM and 12:15 – 1:00 PM. The structure will include a 15-minute micro learning session and 30-minute discussion / breakout sessions. These live learning engagements are free to the public.

Chapter coaches interested in hosting a Lunch and Learn (L&L) are asked to submit a proposal by April 15. Your proposal for the L&L topic of your session should pivot off the theme and around a potential client question such as, "What would your future look like if ..." or "How would your future be different if..." For Example: “What would your future look like if you could successfully engage your employees?” or “How would your future be different if you could maximize your LinkedIn profile?”

This is a public event to raise awareness of coaching, which is ICW's main focus. Creating a proposal with an audience in mind is important.

To submit a proposal, please complete and submit this Google form no later than April 15.

Be sure to mark your calendars:
April 1 – 15    Submit your Proposal
May 16 – 22    Lunch and Learns

What is Celebrate Coaching?

For the past few years our coaching clients and interested DFW organizations have given us excellent input about our Celebrate Coaching events, our annual opportunity to learn more about professional coaching and its effectiveness. Celebrate Coaching is a wonderful example of how our chapter creates fresh approaches to demonstrating the impact of coaching worldwide, one of the aspects of our overall mission. With events like this, we support a strong ecosystem for our chapter members.

In 2022, we will Celebrate Coaching on October 14. We are honored to bring you a high-stakes coach-speaker during Celebrate Coaching.

Save the Date - October 14, 2022!

Member Snapshot - Beth Cory, PCC

Let’s say a big hello to Beth Corey, PCC and get a glimpse of her coaching world and beyond! As a reminder, we enjoy providing a glimpse of a member each month to help you get to know each other and inspire camaraderie even when we cannot be sitting side by side. Beth is an excellent example of the high caliber of coach we have at ICF North Texas, and we are proud to share more about her this month.

Organization: I formed Enliven Coaching, LLC in 2010. Naming my business was important to me. I have a memory of about 50 index cards placed on my office floor with words I had written on each card. Those cards laid on my floor for weeks as I tiptoed around them to get to my desk. One day, I came across the word Enliven while reading, went to my office and sure enough that word was on one of the index cards. To me when something is enlivened it has more life, action, motion and spirit. One of the definitions is “to make more interesting.” I think when we as humans develop toward our fullest possible expression of who we most authentically are, we become more enlivened…more interesting.
Coaching Offered: Executive, Leadership and Personal Development Coaching. I work predominately for companies who have valued leaders that the company is desiring to see rise to their next level of their leadership, contribution and performance. They call it upleveling. I call it transformation.

Credentials: I am an ICF Professional Certified Coach. I worked as an ACC for years and one day earning my PCC credential became important to me. Everything was in place, I just needed to submit my application. Now, I am enjoying the lovely meandering toward MCC (or at least desiring to coach as close as I can hover to an MCC). I love that we are in a profession that is in service to others and to do this well we get the opportunity to continue developing ourselves. I feel like a kid in a candy store when I think about the learning we get to pursue.

Why coaching? It is an absolute privilege to be a coach. I am extremely honored when a company invites me in or when an individual selects me to partner with and we journey forward together. While most of my coaching is coded Leadership or Executive Coaching, the coaching experience is often deeply personal and transformative. I work to partner in a way that is positive, collaborative, authentic and yields results. I trust the process of coaching.

Coaching feels in beautiful alignment with my gifts, focusing my energy on my favorite parts of my previous corporate and leadership experience. Coaching is most often where I feel “in flow.” What is important for me is to be in the space of coaching in a mutual partnership with someone who has a desire to live, lead and illuminate more of their greatness.

Favorite client story: My favorite client story is more of an amalgam of many client stories. It is the story told or witnessed by their faces. Those magical moments in coaching where things connect for our clients. There is often a softening and seeing. We get to be present to those moments.

Roles or volunteering for ICF: I co-lead with Mina Brown and Laurie Goetz in ICF’s PCC LINC group and I enjoy pro bono coaching opportunities offered through ICF. In addition, I serve on a working committee for Spiritual Formation for my church and stay active as a resource for families with children newly diagnosed with Autism.

Tell us about your participation in LINC groups. I participate in both the MCC and PCC LINCS. Both LINC groups have been an experience of learning, acceleration and friendship. At the end of each LINC session, I feel it was time well spent and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to connect and learn from others.

Why are you a member of ICF North Texas? We have got to be in one of the most special ICF chapters around the globe. We are an incredible hub for extraordinary coaches, generous humans and a deep well of professionalism and experience.

What else would you like to share with members? For newer coaches, I would like to say this is truly a journey. Be patient with yourself. You may see coaches who look like they have it all going on but it took them time, effort, failing, regrouping, trying again. Stay with it. The rewards are rich.

To more established coaches, I would like to say thank you. I am so proud to be in this profession and to gather with fellow coaches who use their unique gifts to serve and make the world a better place by lifting and supporting others. I thank you for lifting and supporting me along my way. I have needed you.

Something fun about yourself: In 2019 I walked the ancient pilgrimage of the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile journey. I started in a small town in France and crossed over the Pyrenees and into Spain. For 35 days I walked through the exquisite terrain of Spain. The Spaniards are most welcoming of pilgrims making this journey. It was an experience of a lifetime. I walked in awe, wonder and appreciation by myself but moving along the way with others from all over the world. Below you can see me at the start and the finish of this journey. 

In addition, here I am with my husband and two of my three children. And this last photo shows my husband and I marking our recent 30th wedding anniversary. 

Get Involved

The Director of Online Platforms is looking for a member who would like to collaborate on our website project. Please contact Teresa Dabney at if you are interested.

Remember, volunteering is a wonderful way to develop contacts, use your expertise, and become a leader in ICF North Texas. Programs, Special Events, Membership, Communications—whatever you enjoy doing, we have a role for you!

Please reach out to Cheryl Close at or if you have ideas or interest in volunteering for Celebrate Coaching, please contact Sandra Knight at

Join a LINC

Learn  Interact  Network  Connect

Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group

If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Cheryl Close for more information

        Global News

Check Out this New Resource from ICF Global

ICF Global has material to help clients understand what coaching is and obtain free resources. Check out ICF’s Experience Coaching.

We Value Our Volunteers

Our award-winning chapter is successful and works so well because of our volunteers. Volunteering increases the value of ICF membership in so many ways. Sharing your time and talents as a volunteer helps us expand the impact of professional coaching throughout North Texas and beyond.
Volunteers benefit, too. Volunteering can help you build your network and grow your coaching practice. Serving on a committee is a great way (for new members, especially) to get involved and meet other professional coaches who are potential collaboration partners, allies, source of referrals, and friendship.

Contact Information 


President  Tim Kincaid, PCC
President-elect  Staci Witten, PCC 
Secretary  Natalie Mendez, ACC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, MCC
Past President Kathleen Klaviter, PCC
Programs   Steve Hendon, PCC
Alliances  Dara Rossi, ACC
Membership   Cheryl Close, PCC
Communications   Lizette Warner, PCC
Online Platforms  Teresa Dabney, ACC
Special Events  Sandra Knight, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Impactful contributions to the coaching profession