February 2022 Newsletter
ICF North Texas | Published on 2/7/2022
Important Dates
Feb 10 SE Region Webinar: 11:00 AM- 12:30 PM CT
Feb 11 Virtual Chapter Meeting 11:15 AM-1:15 PM CT
Mar 10 SE Region Webinar: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CT
Mar 11 Virtual Chapter Meeting 11:15 AM-1:15 PM CT
Mar 31-Apr 3 All Texas Retreat & Conference
New Members and New Credentials
Welcome to Our New Members
Federico Malatesta
Amanda Panko, ACC
Rory Brannum
Harvey Castro
Connie Dempsey, ACC
Congratulations on Your New Credentials
Darius Frasure, ACC
Rachel Heyduck, ACC
Sumom Geevarughese, PCC
Monthly Events
February 11 Virtual Chapter Meeting and Program
Power of Pause: The New Science of Brain Breaks, Stress Reduction, and Self-Care
James Garrett
11:15 AM – 1:15 PM
Virtual Meeting and Program Fee: Chapter Members: $10 / Non-Chapter Members: $20
James Garrett is a brain coach and founder of Brain by Design. He has spoken on stages ranging from Harvard to TEDx and his work has been featured by The New York Times, FastCompany, and Harvard Business Review. He spent years doing research with some of the best psychologists in the world at Columbia, Tufts, and Yale. He's a content creator and course builder and his course called, Brain Science for Coaches has been rated as one of the best courses for coaches and is currently certified by ICF for 30 continuing coach education credits. He's a certified coach through the Whole Fit coaching program. He also built one of the only brain-based positive psychology curricula in the Middle East and trained thousands of Arab youth in partnership with Queen Rania of Jordan. A rare combination of scientist, trainer, and entrepreneur, in 2019 James launched the Deep Change Project, a personal journey to discover what’s possible at the outer edges of neuroplasticity and to overcome fear.
With our work demands getting faster and faster, and the pressure to balance home and work continually rising, brain science has now shown that the key to our most productive, creative, and happiest selves isn't working harder, it's working smarter. Discover the power of pause--and why scheduling micro-breaks charges your mental battery and how it helps avoid coaching burnout. Taking care of yourself and building "stress resilience" can increase both your and your clients' productivity and happiness.
CCEUs for this Program: 1 Core Competency Credit
Read the entire program description and register here:
February 10 Southeast Region Webinar
From Expression to Impact: The Uses of Arts-Based Experiential Learning in Leadership and Personal Coaching
Fred Mandell, PhD
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CT
Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20
Fred Mandell uniquely combines his experience as a senior executive in a Fortune 100 company with that of a nationally collected visual artist and sculptor to help leaders, organizations and businesses challenge convention and achieve breakthrough performance. During his 21-year career as a senior executive at American Express Financial Advisors, Fred built leading marketing and sales businesses and ran a multi-billion-dollar investment company. In 2019, Fred founded, with Harvey Seifter, Creating Futures That Work (CFTW) a training and consulting firm that draws on the resonant power of arts-based experiential learning to help leaders globally create futures that matter. Fred has taught the number one rated leadership program at MIT Sloan School of Management SIP Series called The Leader as Artist since 2013. He is also the co-author, with Kathleen Jordan, of Becoming a Life Change Artist: 7 Creative Skills to Reinvent Your Life at Any Stage.
In this program Fred will share the science, research and theory supporting arts-based experiential learning. He will bring program participants through actual arts-based experiential exercises. And he will present actual use cases to demonstrate how arts-based experiential learning in action can impact leaders their teams and individuals making personal transitions. We will examine two actual use cases as a way to demonstrate the what, how and outcomes of selective coaching relationships. One use case will focus on leadership development within a Fortune 500 company and the other will focus on a personal transition journey.
Please have the following items available during the presentation: Five pieces of blank paper, a pencil and an eraser.
CCEUs for this Webinar: 1 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development Credits
Read the entire webinar description and register here:
February 10 Southeast Region Webinar
Chapter News
Distinguished Service Award Presented to Teresa Pool, MCC
Our ICF North Texas Chapter has a distinguished past and many legendary leaders who helped to establish the legitimacy of coaching as a vocation and a needed service to individuals and organizations, and as appropriate, we honor a deserving member with a Distinguished Service Award.
This year, we are thrilled to acknowledge Teresa Pool, MCC, who has served both the chapter and the coaching profession in an extraordinary way. As a professional coach, Teresa has been consistently promoting excellence for our Chapter.
- ICF North Texas member since 2001
- Chapter President in 2004
- Presented “Sharpen the Saw” series
- Shared “Fun With Coaching Stuck” for our Chapter and this February, the Southeast Region
- MCC LINC group mentor
- Inspiration to many business leaders, professional coaches, and students who are learning to coach.
Congratulations to our Chapter’s 2021 Distinguished Service Award Recipient, Teresa Pool!
Teresa Pool, MCC, receives award from Sara Smith, MCC, our most recent DSA recipient.
hrQ COACH Roundtable Series - Executive Leadership Coaching
Inaugural Session
February 24
1:00 PM CT
Register here.
If you can’t make it, go ahead and register as we’ll send out an on-demand recording.
COACH Roundtable Webinar sessions provide a platform to promote the dialogue around how Executive Leadership Coaching provides unabridged counsel, optimization of performance and development, advisement on self-reflection, and challenges one to create positive and productive habits.
Our own Lisa Seay, ACC, and Mike Caracalas, PCC, are two of the panelists for the inaugural session on February 24.
Leadership Coaching: Is it an Expense or Investment? The idea of coaching has long-since been attributed to the improvement of performance and bringing out the absolute best in an individual. Probably the most visible representation of this is through sports. Teams or individuals leverage the leadership and guidance of a coach(es) to help improve how they fine-tune their craft and how to operate at the optimal levels. This certainly holds true for business owners and managers who seek to bring out the best in their high-potential employees. Several studies justify the positive impact of implementing a coach and how that improved performance drives bottom-line results. In this session, we’ll talk about changing the narrative that coaching is not just a one-time expense, but rather a critical part of an organization’s overarching, ongoing business strategy. Hear from coaches, business leaders, and coachees themselves on how coaching has impacted the way they influence others, how they inspire and motivate, and how to they can learn to contribute more effectively and efficiently.
ICF North Texas is Preparing for the Best Celebrate Coaching Yet!
Celebrate Coaching is our annual September gathering where we invite our clients and prospects to learn about the benefits of professional coaching and building coaching cultures. Do you know a spectacular speaker? Please reach out to events@icf-nt.org with your ideas!
New Member Badges for ICF North Texas Members
New ICF North Texas member badges were distributed at the in-person Annual Meeting in January. Those who did not attend will receive your member badges by mail. Remember to bring your name badge to any future in-person ICF North Texas meetings.
Member Snapshot - Susan Daniel, ACC
ICF-North Texas has a tremendous group of coaches that are highly credentialed and have an impressive breadth and depth of coaching. Our Member Snapshot this month reminds us of how special professional coaching has become for corporations, as we learn more about our member Susan Daniel, ACC.
What is your role and your organization? As a Director of Performance Development for Exeter Finance, an auto finance lender based in Irving, Susan leads strategic communications and collaboration among executives, teams and departments to ensure productivity and alignment with the vision. Exeter applies coaching and other development skills throughout the organization, and with this coaching culture, their team members take greater ownership of their goals and keep them on course toward their vision.
What type of coaching do you offer? Susan explained the organization offers leadership coaching, which can include designing coaching into leadership development programs, leader-as-coach training, and coaching for a variety of leaders throughout the organization.
Credentials and Training:
• ICF Training Program, Gardner Institute
• Essentials of Coaching, Blanchard Companies
• 360 by Design, Center for Creative Leadership
“In addition,” Susan shared, “my experience includes Manufacturing, Financial Services, Non-Profit, Hospitality and Entertainment.”
Why coaching? Susan explained how she has chosen and continues to enjoy professional coaching. “As an internal coach, I believe coaching is a differentiator in developing leaders at all levels. We have been able to successfully integrate coaching into the overall leadership development strategy at Exeter in three ways:
- Individual coaching for leaders who participate in a 360-feedback assessment as part of their leadership development.
- Group coaching is a key part Exeter’s top talent program. Action Learning teams made up of leaders from across the organization identify a business challenge and then present their solution to Exeter executives. Proposals with the highest impact can become funded projects that get implemented.
- Coach Training for Leaders as part of Exeter core leadership training. All managers, directors and VPs receive coach training. They are introduced to basic coaching competencies and practice their coaching skills in a workshop setting.”
Why Internal leadership? “I have been an internal leadership development consultant for more than 20 years in several organizations from Walt Disney World to Exeter Finance and during that time I have become a strong believer in the value and impact of coaching,” Susan shared. “As professional coaches we provide a key component to helping leaders be more effective in their roles.”
Favorite client story: A high potential leader who was struggling with social-emotional skills had received some very harsh 360 feedback. As my internal client, I got to thoroughly enjoy watching their self-awareness increase and their mindset towards leadership shift over a period of several months. This is something that is special about internal coaching; you can get valuable input from many perspectives about how your client is performing, because you are there and part of the team. In this case the results for the client were very satisfying, and I really enjoyed seeing the difference professional coaching can make.
Roles and opportunities through ICF: I just completed three terms as Director of Alliances 2019 – 2021, and being part of the Board was very rewarding. I was able to represent ICF North Texas at ICF Southwest Regional leadership meeting in 2019 and I have been able to attend our numerous workshops and high-quality programming month after month and year after year.
Why are you a member ICF NT? “There are many reasons; the big one is that being part of ICF North Texas makes me feel like I’ve found my tribe!” said Susan. “The community of coaches and professionals who makeup ICF North Texas help me to strengthen my coaching skills and expand my thinking around coaching.” Susan has also found it a wonderful place to be a difference maker... where she can fulfill her passion for building partnerships and alliances for ICF-NT with organizations like ATD Dallas and the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB). In fact, under Susan's leadership, we partnered with NTFB to help them begin building a coaching culture over the past three years. We realized the work we did made our chapter eligible to apply for the ICF global recognition called Ignite. This recognition can show what a meaningful impact our volunteer coaches have made both locally and globally. We hope to have more to share soon, and Susan hopes this will inspire every member to see how we can create a greater, collective positivity with our ICF North Texas work.

What Else?
Susan has practiced yoga most of her life and
a few months ago she experienced goat yoga
while on vacation in upstate NY.

Susan and daughter, Jenna.
Get Involved
Making plans for 2022? Have you scheduled time to volunteer with ICF North Texas? Volunteering is a wonderful way to develop contacts, use your expertise, and become a leader in your local chapter. Programs, Special Events, Membership, Communications—whatever you enjoy doing, we have a role for you!
Please reach out to Cheryl Close at membership@icf-nt.com or if you have ideas or interest in Celebrate Coaching, please contact Sandra Knight at events@icf-nt.com .
Join a LINC
Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group
If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Cheryl Close for more information.
Global News
ICF Global Membership Renewal is Open - Renew by March 31
The International Coaching Federation ensures the entire coaching profession maintains high standards and a stellar reputation. It combines the strategic industry work with your individual work to provide you:
- Networking that creates connectivity with peers, clients, prospects, and most highly-regarded coaches, locally and globally
- Outstanding professional development
- Discount and member-only opportunities
- Small community special interest groups to help you focus on what you need
- Staff support with answers that help you build your coaching profile and maximize your coaching experience
- Leadership and volunteer opportunities throughout the year
Renew your ICF Global membership here by March 31.
If you have any questions about membership renewal, please reach out to membership@icf-nt.org.
ICF Achieves New Credentialing and Membership Milestones
Before the end of 2021, ICF surpassed more than 40,000 ICF Credential-holders and more than 50,000 ICF Members worldwide. These milestones highlight not just the achievements of coaches, but also the impact of coaching in our communities, in our countries, in our world. Thank you for helping to empower the world through coaching.
Watch this celebratory video.

ICF Global Says "Thank You for Your Patience"
Thank you for your patience as we manage an unprecedented number of ICF Credentialing applications and support requests at this time. We are actively working to answer every message as quickly as possible and will respond to you as soon as we are able to do so. To help us in this effort, please refrain from sending multiple support requests to support@coachingfederation.org or through multiple ICF email addresses. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thanks to Our Volunteers
We are grateful to Ken Jenkins for his assistance and support in planning the ICF North Texas Board's 2022 planning retreat on January 29.
Our Mission
Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches.
Our Vision
ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
- A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
- Continuing education
- Impactful contributions to the coaching profession