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May 2021 Newsletter

ICF North Texas | Published on 5/3/2021

Important Dates

May 13: SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT

May 14: Virtual Mo. Meeting/Program 11:15A - 1:15P CT

May 17-21: International Coaching Week

May 17: SE Region Int'l Webinar 11:30A-1:30P CT

June 10: SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT

June 13: Virtual Mo. Meeting/Program 11:15A - 1:15P CT

New Members and New Credentials

Welcome to Our New Members:

•    Stacy Cook
•    Rhoda Klopfenstein
•    Rogers Turner, Jr.

Congratulations on New Credentials:

•    Jay Harris, MCC
•    Ann Margolin, ACC

Board Member Message

Read the Board Message 

Monthly Events

May 13 Southeast Region Webinar
Why Ethics Matter in Coaching - An Update on the New ICF Code of Ethics
George M Nuthu, PCC

12:00 – 1:30 PM CT
Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20

George M. Nuthu is a Leadership Coach and Consultant (Coachultant) whose mission is to inspire and influence professionals, and especially leaders, to discover their potential, draw out their passion, develop their proficiency and demonstrate high performance so that their teams drive up productivity and their organizations deliver profitability. In both the ICF global and Kenya community, George is the Global Chair of the inaugural Dispute Resolution Panel, the Co-Leader of the Ethics Community of Practice and served as a member of the ICF Code Of Ethics Review Team 2018-9. Currently he is a member of the ICF Global Task Forces reviewing the ICF Definition of Coaching and Values plus Embedding Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in ICF. Locally in the ICF Kenya Chapter, he has served as the Chair of the Nomination Board, Member of the Education Board. He is the current Project Leader of the Ignite Project.

Join us as experienced ICF Coach, Trainer and Mentor Coach, George Nuthu, shows us how to appreciate the new ICF Code of Ethics (CoE) and apply ethical principles in our coaching practice and profession.

CCEUs for this webinar: 1.5 Core Competency Credits

Read the entire webinar description and register here:

May 13 Southeast Region Webinar

May 14 Virtual Chapter Meeting and Program
Brilliance Rather than Burnout - Renewal, Resilience and Recognition
Susie Vaughan, PCC

11:15 AM – 1:15 PM
Virtual Meeting and Program Fee: Chapter Members: $10 / Non-Chapter Members: $20

During the past five years Susie has positively impacted many individuals, teams and organizations as a coach and a strategic learning partner. Prior to beginning her business, Susie was a successful public school administrator. Susie holds a Professional Coach Certification (PCC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF). In addition to coaching leaders Susie regularly collaborates with individuals, teams and organizations in strategic learning partnerships which move them toward the future they envision.

Leaders are faced with choices every day. Will we choose brilliance over burnout? Many significant life changes have occurred in the recent past, such as the loss of loved ones, the normalcy of day-to-day life, and access to our school, work and social environments. Even with these circumstances, leaders have a choice about their response. Our session seeks to celebrate the choices made by courageous leaders, coaches, and employees. It takes courage to choose brilliance over burnout again and again when faced with obstacles. Key elements of these choices are resilience, renewal, and recognition.

CCEUs for this program: 1 Resource Development Credit

Read the entire program description and register here:

May 14 Virtual Chapter Meeting and Program

       Chapter News


International Coaching Week is May 17 – 21

Thank you to all the ICF North Texas coaches who signed up to provide up to 150 coaching sessions to employees of North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) during International Coaching Week, May 17-21. During this annual week-long celebration, ICF North Texas joins chapters from around the world to educate the public about the value of working with a professional coach.

All who volunteered received a confirmation of the time(s) they volunteered for, and you will receive an additional reminder of your 45-minute session(s) the week of May 10. By volunteering your time, you are allowing NTFB to further integrate a culture of coaching and meeting the goals of:

•    Enabling more members of the community to experience coaching
•    Raising awareness of the value of professional coaching
•    Celebrating the power and impact of coaching

We are very proud of our chapter that continues to be generous with pro bono coaching. We look forward to International Coaching Week coming soon.

Southeast Region ICW 2021 International Webinar — May 17

During International Coaching Week, in addition to the opportunities to coach, the Southeast Region of ICF chapters has an offer that is for the benefit of professional coaches, coach training program leaders and students, university leadership program professors and students, business and nonprofit leaders, and Human Resource professionals.

Date:    May 17, 2021
Time:    11:30 AM to 1:00 PM CST
Title:    Coaching as a Meaningful Profession in the Digital Age: An International Perspective

•    Catherine Tanneau, MCC, Chair of Global Board of ICF Professional Coaches
•    Kaveh Mir, PCC, Director of Strategic Initiatives of Global Board of ICF Professional Coaches

Join Catherine Tanneau and Kaveh Mir, two officers on the ICF Global Board for Professional Coaches, in a conversation around the relevance and return of experience of the coaching profession in the digital age. Both are global board members, coaches, and speakers.

•    Gain perspective on global coaching in the digital age
•    Overcome market confusion and create return on experience
•    Contribute to enhancing wellbeing and humanity for a thriving society

In the pandemic and post pandemic era, the demand for professional coaching has grown significantly. With an increased demand for purpose, self-awareness and wellbeing, coaching can make a significant impact at the individual level by bringing the humanity in all of us to the forefront. This in turn has a ripple effect on performance and sustained growth in organizations, communities, and society at large.

Hosts/Tech Support:
•    Susanna Clavello (ICF San Antonio)
•    Tenice Wehmeyer (ICF San Antonio)
•    Mesha-Gay Walker (ICF South Florida)
•    Tolu Akande (ICF Georgia)

CCEUs: 1 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development Credits

Please watch for an email with details for registering for this wonderful event.

Coming Soon!
WBECS PreSummit Opportunity for Free CCEUS

Please watch for an opportunity to participate online with this global PreSummit and get valuable free coaching for your coaching! You’ll see some of the world’s top speakers on the hottest topics and learn more about training available throughout the year through WBECS. More to come through email later in May.

Member Snapshot

We are excited to wish our ICF North Texas member Jay Harris congratulations on achieving his MCC credential! Before we share highlights of him in our Member Snapshot, here are some fun facts about MCCs:

•    There are 1,380 MCCs globally, and only 537 MCCs in the US
•    There are 23 MCCs in Texas—3 became MCCs in Texas this year
•    Two MCCs in Texas became Chairs of the ICF Global Board (Judy Feld in 2003, who received
     her MCC in 1998, and Sara Smith in 2020, who received her MCC in 2012).

Our Dallas-Fort Worth area is a stand out with nine MCCs! We are grateful for how their commitment to excellence continues to help all of us keep improving and offering quality coaching.

1.    Mina Brown
2.    Amy Chorost PhD
3.    Judy Feld
4.    Jay Harris
5.    Teresa Pool
6.    Jeannine Sandstrom
7.    Cherie Silas
8.    Sara Smith
9.    Kristin Taliaferro

Meet Jay Harris, MCC — Our Newest MCC!

Before Coaching there was… Ministry for 50 years. Jay was involved in pastoral ministry and denominational work where he led people who were creating new church communities. He realized these were people who needed to discover their uniqueness as well as the uniqueness of their congregation and community. What coaching provided was a perfect fit!

At the Tarrant Baptist Association Jay got to experience how a true coaching culture operates all day, every day. All of the TBA directors are PCC’s. He began his coaching work and training in 2008 when the TBA hosted conferences to introduce 70 people at a time to coaching. The training was provided by Dr. J. Val Hastings of Coaching4Clergy, an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program. Jay has served on C4C’s faculty for a number of years.

Jay explains that coaching filled a void he experienced as he consulted, mentored or counseled. He says, “Coaching fit my purpose and, in fact, I found that while I do all sorts of coaching, I most enjoy coaching to help people find their mission and their values and to live within them. It may be around their faith journey, and even when it isn’t, it helps them to find the special uniqueness that is part of each person. I love helping people discover that! I often help people write their personal mission statement.”

In addition to coaching, Jay mentors coaches and has taught 29 different coach-specific courses. One of his favorites is Coaching for Focus which helps those with focus challenges like ADHD. He also serves as the Director of Coaching for Core7, an organization for retired and retiring ministers, helping them to determine their next chapter of life. In this role he provides a network of coaching and coach training.

Organization: Coach Impact

Personal mission statement: "I pour into marred vessels revealing God’s treasures."

Client/Coaching Story: One of the most interesting experiences I’ve had was working my LifePlan, where I enjoyed a two-day intensive that helped me focus on my life experience and my passions, the way I process and approach goals, disappointments and risk, and how it all fits with my giftedness. It was a great launch pad for coaching and helped me clarify who I am and how to move forward with authenticity in my life purpose. As a result, I prefer transformational coaching that allows clients to discover the purpose behind what they want to accomplish in their lives.

Do you hold a credential?
I have just received my MCC credential.

What training have you had?
I received my coach training through Coaching4Clergy plus Coach U and others.

Why are you a member of ICF North Texas?
I love being a member of ICF Global where members get a clear path to truly BE a coach (the markers and criteria). Having a set of guidelines and specifics to measure the coaching experience and results is very important to the integrity of coaching. Training and networking opportunities provided are invaluable. I thoroughly enjoy interacting with the coaches who are part of our chapter and especially enjoy working with my fellow Board members. They are awesome!

On a personal note:
I have been married for 48 years and I treasure time with family, in prayer, writing, and being a coach in my own practice, Coach Impact. I have retired to my new chapter of life where I coach.

I can also be found sanding or painting a model rocket after recently returning to my childhood hobby. It was in a coaching session where I was the client that I discovered I missed being creative. My mind returned to the exuberance I felt at the 1969 National Model Rocket championship where I competed. I now build and fly rockets with my grandchildren and also lead a Rocket Club at the elementary school where my wife teaches. I’ve become friends with people all over the world who share my interest in rocketry.

Volunteer Opportunities for May

Thank you to all of you who have signed up for International Coaching Week sessions with North
Texas Food Bank employees!

Join a LINC

Laugh  Interact  Nurture  Contribute 

Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group

If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Laurie Goetz for more information

       Global News

Congratulations to Anik Clemens and Angie Holleran

Anik Clemens

Over the past 2.5 years as a Regional Development Manager, Anik Clemens has led her ~12,000 members and 29 chapters with grace and dignity. Her time with NALAC is marked by great results for our organization and our industry and by amazing relationships. She is stepping up to fill the open Volunteer Engagement Director position at ICF Global. In this role, Anik will be working across the ICF ecosystem helping to develop a strategy for our volunteers in terms of volunteer attraction, engagement and retention and a big focus on recognition of our volunteers. Short term plans are to create a Chapter Leader Handbook for new Board members coming into their positions, update the Volunteer Leader Training, and organize the new Global Leaders Forum. Long term goals include developing a Volunteer Journey Map and a better system for Volunteer Recognition.

Anik has been instrumental in furthering our Regional Leadership System with creation of the Regional Coordination Team (now in its second year) and managing the dynamic NE and SE Forums contributing to many best practices. She has partnered in building ongoing series such as Southeast Regional Webinar Series, Southeast Business Building Series and Northeast Leadership Development Series while working as a leader in process improvement for the PC Team. She is a walking promotion for the coaching industry as she has lived as a coach and now also stepped in to lead North America during the absence of a director. Mike Caracalas adds, “Anik Clemens exemplifies servant leadership. After I met Anik at my first ICF Southeast Region leadership retreat, I was fortunate to work with her many times over my five years on the ICF North Texas Board. She’s an amazing partner! I can’t wait to see the impact she brings in her new role.”

Anik has exemplary skills and a knack for getting things done but, more importantly, she is a person of great character who is reliable, hardworking, and cares deeply about ICF and our members. She will leave a great hole to fill but we are excited to see her impact increase in this next step. ICF members can reach out to her at

Angie Holleran

After ten years as part of the ICF Credentialing team, Angie Holleran, Assessor Manager, will soon be moving on. While she will no longer be part of the ICF Credentialing team, we are pleased to announce that she will still continue to support ICF members and candidates in new and exciting ways. Please join me in celebrating Angie and her recent promotion to Regional Development Manager with the ICF Professional Coaches North America/Latin American/Caribbean (NALAC) team! While we will certainly miss her within the Credentialing family—as will our global team of assessors—we are thrilled that Angie will still be an important part of the One ICF.

As you all know, Angie has been an active part in nearly every element of Credentialing in her ten years here, and she will leave very large shoes to fill! Her drive, incredible work ethic, compassion, and commitment to fostering and growing genuine relationships with credential candidates worldwide has added so much value over the years and will continue to benefit both ICF and its members and credential holders in the years to come.

Please join us in expressing a huge and heartfelt congratulations to both Angie and Anik as they prepare for this new and exciting next chapter at ICF.

Thanks to Our Volunteers

Our organization depends on our volunteers. We appreciate all you do to keep us such a vibrant ICF chapter!

Contact Information 


President  Kathleen Klaviter, MSOD, PCC
President-elect  Tim Kincaid, PCC 
Secretary  Natalie Mendez, ACC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, PCC
Past President Kristin Robertson, PCC
Programs   Steve Hendon, PCC
Alliances  Susan Daniel, ACC
Membership   Laurie Goetz, ACC
Communications   Jane Koenecke, ACC
Online Platforms  Teresa Dabney, ACC
Special Events  Sandra Knight, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Impactful contributions to the coaching profession