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August 2019 Newsletter

Published on 8/5/2019

Important Dates

Aug 9 Luncheon Program: 11:15A - 1:15P

Aug 9 Workshop: 1:30 - 3:30 PM

Aug 22 Webinar 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Aug 22 ATD Dallas Southwest Learning Summit: Plano Center, 8:00A - 4:30P

Oct 11 Celebrate 2019: Details to Register Forthcoming

October 24 Texas Conference for Women:
In Austin, from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

New Members and New Credentials

Please welcome the following new members to our chapter:

Kelly Alberthal
Laurie Arron
Steve Graham, PCC
Elonda Johnson, ACC
Kristin Lopez
Iva Mishra
Ingrid Nunez

President's Message

Read the President's Message 

Monthly Events

August 9 Luncheon Program
How to Effectively Choose and Use Assessments in Coaching
Terry Hildebrandt, PhD, MCC, MCEC
Ed Rankin, PhD, PCC

11:15 AM – 1:15 PM

Members: Register by August 7 – $35 / Register after August 7 – $45

Non-Members: Register by August 7 – $45 / Register after August 7 – $55


Our August 9 luncheon program features Terry Hildebrandt, PhD, MCC, MCEC and Ed Rankin, PhD, PCC. Terry Hildebrandt is an executive coach, organization development consultant, researcher, coach educator, coach supervisor, entrepreneur, and author.
Ed Rankin holds a BS degree in Psychology, an MS degree in Labor and Industrial Relations, and an MA and PhD in Human and Organizational Systems, and he has completed extensive graduate level training in both cognitive and behavioral assessments.

In this program we’ll discuss why to use assessments, when to use them, who can benefit from their use and how to choose them. We’ll consider audience, what do you want to know, cost, data source and complexity. We’ll look at different types of individual assessments and assessments for leadership coaching. Specific instruments will be discussed, and participants will be given an opportunity to take one or two assessments.

CCEUs for this program: 1 Core Competency Credit

Read the entire luncheon program description and register here:

August 9 Luncheon Program

August 9 Workshop
Sharpen the Coaching Saw:
Direct Communication - The "Red-Headed Step Child" Competency
Teresa Pool, MCC

1:30 - 3:30 PM

(Immediately following the luncheon program)


Workshop Cost: $35.00

Join us for the fifth in the series of Sharpen the Coaching Saw ICF competency skill development workshops! Our chapter MCCs and MCC LINC volunteers have partnered together to bring you an opportunity to stretch your coaching skills through learning, demonstration and observed practice. Each workshop is a stand-alone learning experience and participation in previous sessions is not required. We have something to offer all levels.

The August Workshop will explore what direct communication is all about. Teresa Pool will lead us on a discussion into what Direct Communication is all about—what it is, what it isn’t, and how to do it. We’ll debunk the myths and gain some new respect on the importance of building a language toolkit that flexes to the need of each client while still retaining our own authenticity. We’ll go beyond theory to practice and send you off with both tools and motivation to explore further. And maybe have some fun along the way.

CCEUs for this workshop: 2 Core Competency Credits

Read the entire workshop description and register here:
August 9 Workshop

August 22 Webinar
Practical Application of the Harrison Assessments' Paradoxical Leadership
Sheryl Dawson, MBA, BA

12:00 - 1:00 PM CDT

Webinar Cost: No Fee for Members / $10 for Non-Members

Our August 22 Webinar features Sheryl Dawson, MBA, BA. Sheryl is a Talent Consultant with over 25 years of experience; 17 years as Solutions Partner with Harrison Assessments. Sheryl supports organizations across the talent cycle with a predictive behavioral assessment to achieve organizational and business goals. She provides leadership and team development for executive teams utilizing Harrison Assessments’ Paradoxical Leadership concepts.

Paradoxical Leadership is a concept that is well-documented in organizational literature, designed to support leaders facing competing priorities, diverse perspectives, and constrained resources. Many paradoxes are driven by leaders’ behavioral choices. The challenge is to consider both paradoxical perspectives rather than using an either/or solution; for example frankness and diplomacy. This assessment is used in both personal and professional/executive coaching.

CCEUs for this webinar: 1 Resource Development Credit

Read the entire webinar description and register here:

August 22 Webinar

Chapter News

New Alliance - ATD Dallas and ICF North Texas
Southwest Learning Summit on August 22, 2019

ICF-North Texas is building a new alliance with our local Association for Talent Development (ATD) chapter here in Dallas. The synergy between our two organizations is a natural fit. The talent development community continues to broaden their focus into areas that overlap with ICF members such as coaching, leadership development and assessments. We see this as an opportunity to align our chapters in ways that can benefit both our memberships.

Partnering Opportunity:

We are jump starting this new partnership by sponsoring an ICF-NT exhibit at the ATD Dallas Southwest Learning Summit on August 22. The summit will take place at the Plano Centre, 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. Talent Development professionals from across North Texas will be there to learn about industry trends, share tips and techniques, and network with local industry leaders. Keynote speaker and author Lee Colan will talk about his new book The Positive Impact of Coaching. All attendees will receive a copy.

This is one event you won’t want to miss! To learn more visit

Discount Price:

ICF-NT members can attend this event at the discounted price of $279 (the same price as ATD Dallas members). To take advantage of this special offer please email Todd Strosnider at and indicate that you are an ICF North Texas member.

Call to Action:

Are you a published author and an ICF credentialed coach? We are asking for book donations to be raffled off at the ICF-NT Expo booth during the Learning Summit. If you would like to donate 3-5 copies of your book, please email Susan Daniel at for more details.

Save the Date - Celebrate Coaching 2019
October 11, 2019 (Exact time and location coming soon)

Building a "coaching culture" has gained much momentum in recent years as a way of improving organizational effectiveness and developing stronger leaders. But it's not a simple thing to do and it's not always clear exactly how or why to do it.


On October 11, 2019, ICF North Texas will be exploring these questions at our signature event, Celebrate Coaching 2019.


In addition to sharing a meal and networking with like-minded professionals, you'll be treated to a presentation of recent research conducted by ICF and the Human Capital Institute (HCI), which identifies the six elements necessary to create a coaching culture. Plus, we'll have a panel discussion with companies that have had success building coaching cultures. And we'll finish the event with a keynote presentation.


Save the Date—Friday, October 11. More details coming soon.

The Texas Conference for Women - October 24, 2019
Volunteer Coaches to be Selected at the August 8 ICF North Texas Chapter Meeting



It’s time to select the five volunteer coaches who will represent ICF North Texas at the Texas Conference for Women on Thursday October 24, 2019 in Austin.

This is your last chance to enter the drawing. Attend the August 9 chapter meeting to enter the drawing before the names of the five winners are drawn. We’ll also announce the winners on our social media platforms.

Place:   Austin Convention Center

Date:    Thursday, October 24, 2019

Time:   7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

The Volunteer Commitment is a two-hour coaching shift, with 20 – 30 minutes per client. Included for volunteers is:

  • Free general admission to this sold out event
  • Keynote presentations and breakout sessions
  • Lunch

For additional details about this event, visit

This Month's Volunteer

Greet members at August and September meetings (Contact Laurie Goetz at

Create monthly announcement slides (Contact Lisa Seay at

Like celebrating? Join our planning team
for Fall Celebration events (contact Kristin Robertson at

Join a LINC


Laugh  Interact  Nurture  Contribute 

Learn about active LINCs and how to join

If you’re interested in creating a LINC, please contact Jim Cooper. He’ll give you a pat on the back, some best practices for getting started and make sure that we know about your new LINC so we can communicate it to the chapter.

News from ICF Global

2019 Global Prism Fainalists Announced


The ICF North Texas chapter is home to many distinguished and accomplished coaches. Coaches who are known not only locally, but also nationally and internationally. It’s time to add another to the list. Sandi Mitchell, PCC, nominated her client, Convene for the 2019 Global Prism Award and Convene has been named one of five finalists for this prestigious award. The winner will be announced at ICF’s global conference, Converge, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic on October 23-26, 2019.

The Prism Award honors businesses and organizations with coaching programs that:

  • Fulfill rigorous professional standards
  • Address key strategic goals
  • Shape organizational culture
  • Yield discernible and measurable positive impacts
Convene, an organization that designs and services work, meeting and event spaces has worked to embed coaching in their organization over the last six years, while experiencing exponential growth. Beginning with two locations and fifty people to now having 29 locations and over 500 people, this company, named Best Place to Work several times over, has made coaching for its leaders a priority. In fact, Sandi says, “In a company whose General Managers average age is 26, it was a dream come true to develop these leaders with a coach-centric mindset!”

The organization will also be sharing about their experience on September 10 at the 2019 Human Capital Institute Learning and Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.

Congratulations to you, Sandi, on the work you’re doing to advance the coaching profession. We’re proud to have you as a member of ICF North Texas!

2019 Global Coaching Survey
It's Not Just for Coaches... Spread the Word


The last time a Global Coaching Study was commissioned by Price Waterhouse Coopers and the ICF was 2015. But, it’s the fourth time that this important survey has been conducted. What is it? The survey is designed to engage with as many coaches as possible to provide an up-to-date picture of the coaching profession and empower coaches to embrace the opportunities and meet the challenges ahead. It explores diverse topics, including Industry size and revenue, the business and practice of coaching, and perspectives on industry trends, including regulation, technology and more.

And it’s not just for coaches. This will be the second time that managers/leaders using coaching skills are included in the study. In 2015, their inclusion enabled us to achieve powerful insights into the growth of coaching cultures within businesses and organizations.

Anyone who fits one of the categories below can take the survey:

  • External coach practitioners
  • Internal coach practitioners
  • Coaches who self-identify as both external and internal coach practitioners
  • HR/talent development managers/leaders who use coaching skills
  • Managers/leaders who use coaching skills

The survey benefits coaches by giving them insights into where they can grow their business and help them understand where they fit into the marketplace.

The survey is open through December, 2019. But, don’t delay. Complete the survey and send the link to someone you know who is a coach or someone who is a manager or leader utilizing coaching. We all can benefit by participating in this important research. For more information, visit ICF Global.

Thank You Volunteers

Tyra Bremer - Coordinating Monthly Chapter Webinars

Annie Petersen - Posting ICF-NT News On Social Media

Board Contact Information 


President  Mike Caracalas, PCC
President-elect  Kristin Robertson, PCC 
Secretary  Timothy Kincaid, PCC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, PCC
Past President Catherine Oleksiw, PCC
Programs   Kathleen Klaviter, PCC
Alliances  Susan Daniel, ACC
Membership   Laurie Goetz, ACC
Communications   Lisa Seay, ACC
Online Platforms  Staci Witten, ACC

Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Impactful contributions to the coaching profession