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HomeEvent CalendarMEETING: Growing Coaching Competencies with a Cross-Cultural and Identity Lens

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MEETING: Growing Coaching Competencies with a Cross-Cultural and Identity Lens

Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:15 AM until 1:15 PM
Online - Additional information will be provided after registration.

Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Steve Hendon
214-335-6879 (p)
Chapter Meeting
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Growing Coaching Competencies with a Cross-Cultural and Identity Lens

presented by Lisa Ong, PCC, Diane Whiting, PCC, and Rogers Turner 

Lisa M. Ong, PCC, CPA, is an award-winning diversity and inclusion strategy consultant, speaker, and professional certified executive coach. As a widely-known "talent gardener" and "inclusion connector,” CEOs hire her to co-create their diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy to cultivate belonging cultures as great places to work. Before launching Wishing Out Loud LLC, she was a national diversity director in PwC’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. She earned her BBA in Accounting from UT Austin and her MS in Management and Graduate Certificate in Executive and Professional Coaching from UT Dallas. D CEO Magazine named her to The Dallas 500 in their 2021 and 2020 directories as "one of the most powerful business leaders in DFW" in the “Consultants” and "Corporate Diversity Officer" categories. A community volunteer, she serves on a number of Boards and also on the ICF NTX Programs Committee

Diane Whiting, MSOD, PCC is a Coach Supervision Practitioner who works with new and experienced coaches. Her work is directed at deepening the coach’s practice through reflection and reinforcing the importance and role of the coach’s ongoing self-development resulting in greater impact as a coach. In addition, Diane is a Coach Mentor and Coach Educator. She instructs the Role of Self in Coaching class at the University of Texas at Dallas ACTP Leadership Coaching Program. She is passionate about walking alongside her coaching clients on the journey of transformation from ‘doing’ coaching to being a coach. Diane has a specialized certificate from the Physician Coaching Institute (PCI) to coach physicians and clinical leaders and serves on the PCI Advisory Board.  Diane is Founder and Principal of Authentica Coaching and Consulting.

Rogers Turner Jr, an accomplished trainer, communicator, published author, and Executive Life Coach, holds a Master's Degree in Science Management from National Louis University, and BS in Safety Education Northeastern State University. Having lived and worked abroad for fortune 200 entities, Rogers’ expertise is in Sales, Sales Training, Relationship marketing and currently Cyber Security. He is President of Leveling Up Today, LLC, a referral-based, boutique coaching practice dedicated to working with individuals who are "lost" and know it, while helping them gain life clarity, purpose, and alignment, solving challenges through experiential exercises! A family man, man of faith, world traveler, and community advocate, Rogers believes we were made for this time, and that nothing just happens. He is an avid golfer, fisherman, and game player (but is not allowed to the banker when playing Monopoly!).

Program Description:

Who we are is how we see the world. As coaches, our new core competencies ask us to consider the client’s culture—context, identity, environment, experiences, values, and beliefs—to enhance understanding, build trust, invoke awareness and create space for trust and safety. In this session, participants will learn how to use an identity exercise that Diane Whiting has used to help coaches in training to reflect on their own identity and how it shapes their coaching lens.

Lisa M. Ong will share a tool to help recognize your cultural dimension patterns to compare and contrast with others. This tool can assist you in mapping your own and your client's map of the world to increase your awareness of how your values shape your behavior and to better understand your client's current behavior and how they may behave in the future given their cultural context, values, experiences, and beliefs. Through client examples, discover how our perceptions can impact our ability to listen and evoke awareness with our clients when we are not looking for cultural patterns.

Lisa will be joined by ICF NTX members Diane Whiting and Rogers Turner to share their experiences and client examples. The panelists will explore how a greater awareness of identity and culture has strengthened their coaching connection and presence to grow their coaching niches.

Program Outcomes:

Participants will come away with practical tools to increase your awareness of the impact of your identity, culture, values, and beliefs in demonstrating your core competencies. We will learn:

  • To explore our source of identity and use our curiosity about cultures to explore our individual and organizational cultural lens to build our coaching competencies
  • To experience the power of cultural conversations to appreciate and recognize differences
  • To bridge cultural differences and coach others beyond the surface level visual dimensions
  • To understand that our coaching clients are changing in terms of demographics as leaders at earlier levels of management and are being given coaches to help with retention and advancement

CCEUS for this Program: 1 Core Competency Credit