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WEBINAR: Assessments - What Coaches Need to Know
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Assessments: What Coaches Need to Know
presented by Tom Krapu, PhD, PCC

With an inexhaustible curiosity, Tom can be counted on for a highly collaborative, reliable, but flexible use of evidence-based facilitation and coaching methods. Tom Krapu, PhD, PCC earned a PhD in counseling psychology where he emphasized assessment as well as test and scale construction. His extensive experience in 360 feedback methodologies and the use of assessments as a part of executive coaching engagements led to his teaching assessment in the ICF certified executive coaching program in the Jindal School of Management at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Tom is sought out for his expertise in 360 best practices and is often chosen as an executive coach because of the depth of training and experience he brings in the area of assessments. Tom's optimistic, but real executive coaching approach increases the effectiveness and sustainability of the leaders and organizations where he coaches.
Webinar Description:
An understanding of assessment is an essential competency within the leadership and executive coaching specialties. Not being a Core Competency, training in assessment is often not included in coach training programs (UT Dallas being the exception). This workshop presents fundamental “resource development” as it relates to assessment in coaching.
What assessment is and core principles of assessment will be presented. In addition, the role assessment plays in an executive coaching engagement will be presented in detail along with best practices. Attend this presentation to better equip yourself to add value for your leadership and executive coaching clients.
Webinar Outcomes:
Participants will learn:
- What is assessment? (A verb, not a noun)
- How do assessments fit into the “Assessment and Goal Setting” phase of an executive coaching engagement?
- What are the best practices in doing assessment within a “coaching mindset”?
CCEUs for this Webinar: 1.5 Resource Development Credits