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January 2022 Newsletter

ICF North Texas | Published on 1/3/2022

Important Dates

Jan 13 SE Region Webinar: 11:00 AM- 12:30 PM CT

Jan 14  Hybrid Chapter Annual Meeting: 11:15 AM-1:15 PM

Feb 11 Virtual Chapter Meeting 11:15 AM-1:15 PM CT

Mar 31-Apr 3 All Texas Retreat & Conference

New Members and New Credentials

Welcome to Our New Members:

Laura Lockhart
Denise Johnson Blow

Congratulations on New Credentials:

Dr. Tom Deas, ACC

Board Member Message

Read the Board Message 

       Monthly Events

January 13 Southeast Region Webinar
Speak Up and Influence: Stand Out as a Trusted Thought Leader
Alexia Vernon

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CT

Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20
Alexia Vernon is the Founder and President of Step into Your Moxie, a certified women-owned and disability-owned coaching and training company that shows business leaders, and the coaches and consultants who support them, how to find their voice and master using it. Dubbed a “Moxie Maven” by the White House Office of Public Engagement for her unique and effective approach to communication development, Alexia is the creator of the Step into Your Moxie® Certification Program and a sought-after coach to entrepreneurs, executives, corporate teams, and change agents who want to speak with an unshakeable presence, sell their ideas, navigate daring conversations, advance their thought leadership, and elevate marginalized voices.
Whether you have your own coaching business or you support employees, women, or marginalized community members internally, you likely are driven to help others tame critical self-talk and communicate with confidence, clarity, and conviction because your journey to voice has been…complicated. As a coach, you probably embody the motto—we coach on what we have had to learn and what we are committed to remembering. In this experiential workshop, speaking and thought leadership coach, Alexia Vernon, will show you how to level-up from a coach to a trusted and in-demand thought leader. You will not only learn how to bring a “coach approach” to your visibility so you can call in more aligned individual and/or organizational clients, you will also develop tools to help the people you work with fall (back) in love with their voices and speak up for the ideas and issues they care about.

CCEUs for this Webinar: 0.5 Core Competency / 1 Resource Development Credits

Read the entire webinar description and register here:
January 13 Southeast Region Webinar

January 14 Chapter Annual Meeting (Our First Hybrid Meeting)
ICF North Texas: The Past - The Present - The Future
Kathleen Klaviter, PCC - Tim Kincaid, PCC - Staci Witten, PCC

11:15 AM – 1:15 PM


4400 N O’Connor Road
Irving, TX 75061

Virtual attendees have a two-step registration – using the registration link below and the Zoom link that will come to you via an email once you complete your first registration.

Hybrid Chapter Meeting Cost For Members and Non-Members:
In-Person Attendee – $40 / Virtual Attendee – $30

Our January 14 Chapter Annual Meeting and our first hybrid meeting at our new meeting location features Kathleen Klaviter, Tim Kincaid, and Staci Witten who are our past, present, and future chapter presidents. They will be part of a panel discussion entitled ICF North Texas: The Past – The Present – The Future. We will have a special gift for all chapter members who are able to attend in person.

Covid-19 Precautions For Face-to-Face Gatherings:
To provide the most comfortable in-person lunch meeting experience on January 14, here are some health precautions and arrangements we are taking:

•    Social distancing – extra space between seats at the lunch table
•    Lunch will be either individual box lunches or plated/served (instead of self-service buffet)
•    Hand sanitizer will be available
•    If you are not fully vaccinated, please wear a mask except when eating
•    Masks are welcome, regardless of vaccination status
•    Everyone is encouraged to be respectful of others’ space
•    Always ask before physical contact (tip: an elbow-bump or fist-bump instead of handshake)

Meet Our Presenters:
Kathleen Klaviter, PCC, is our chapter’s immediate Past President. She has held several roles for our chapter board of directors, including President, President-Elect, Director of Programs, Alliances, Membership, and Chair of Celebrate Coaching and Co-Chair of the Ambassadors. In addition to her leadership roles, she has served on many committees. Her more than 20 years of experience in organization and leadership development with Texas Instruments and Hanson Building Materials American enhances her current work—strategic transitions and leadership development for the individual and/or organization.

Tim Kincaid, EdD, PCC, is our Chapter President, Tim has been a member of our chapter for many years, serving on the chapter board of directors as President-Elect, Secretary, and Director of Membership. He served on the ICF North Texas 25th Anniversary planning committee, on the Experience Coaching design team, and on the 2016 Prism Nomination/Selection Committee on the Programs Committee. His company, Kincaid Associates Coaching & Consulting LLC, provides leadership coaching, training, and consulting for change management and strategic communications.

Staci Witten, PCC is our chapter President-Elect. Staci has held the role of Director of Online Platforms. She has served on committees and facilitates the LINC Digital Marketing group. In her coaching, Staci provides value for career, leadership and business for professionals and organizations. In addition, Staci has 20 years of experience in HR and business ownership. She wants to help ICF-NT members grow as a coach and continue to bring more awareness about coaching in our community.
CCEUs for Chapter Annual Meeting: 1 Resource Development Credit

Read the entire program description and register here:
January 14 Chapter Annual Meeting

        Chapter News


Distinguished Service Award


Thank you for your nominations for the Distinguished Service Award for ICF North Texas. We hope you will be able to join us, in person or virtually, to learn who will receive it this award at our Annual Chapter meeting on January 14.

New ICF North Texas Member Badges for a Fresh New Year!


We are anticipating a fresh new year with excitement and the hopes of hybrid ICF Chapter meetings and other, safely planned events. To celebrate the return of in-person meetings, we have ordered new ICF North Texas member name badges for every active member in our chapter. These custom-imprinted name badges will be available for every member that attends the first Chapter meeting of the new year on January 14 at Las Colinas Country Club (4400 N O’Connor Road, Irving, TX 75062).

If you are not able to attend in person on January 14, your personalized badge will be mailed to your physical address as listed in your member profile on our website. If you need a reminder of how to update your address follow this 90-second, easy training video.

December 9 Holiday Party Wrap-Up

Thank you to all who participated in our virtual holiday party. It was a great way to finish a wonderful year with our coaching community—and to share fellowship, holiday spirit, and wonderful prizes.

Celebrate Coaching 2022 Seeks Volunteers

It’s not too early to start planning our next year’s Celebrate Coaching 2022 event. If you are looking for a place to volunteer next year, this is a great opportunity. Some of the areas we need help on are: finding the right speakers, finding the right location (on site in 2022), catering options, other types of events we may want to include. We do not have a firm date yet as that may be dictated by the speaker’s schedule and will be decided in 2022. If you are interested, please contact Sandi Knight directly at

Member Snapshot - Steve Coxsey, PCC

To start off 2022, we are pleased to share a snapshot about Steve Coxsey, PCC, a longtime member of ICF North Texas.

Organization / What Type of Coaching Do You Offer? Steve Coxsey leads Thriving Edge, offering leadership coaching that focuses on human dynamics and covers both the people aspect and the workflow. In addition, Steve works with people on career and personal goals from a self-leadership framework.

Credentials and Training: Steve holds a PCC credential from ICF. He received his professional coaching education through MentorCoach, a positive psychology focused ACTP program. This was a great fit for Steve whose first career choice was to be a therapist with a strong emphasis on development.

Why Coaching? Steve says, “Promoting psychological development of all sorts, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual, is what I enjoy.” Steve gets to make his profession out of partnering with people on their development. He has avoided choosing a niche as a professional coach because Steve enjoys working with a variety of people on a variety of goals and challenges. Steve defines it as leadership coaching because even when he is able to help clients with personal goals, it all fits under leadership. Steve values variety in his work and he appreciates that his career is filled with opportunities to guide clients as they face challenges in new areas, overcome barriers, and expand their horizons.

Favorite Client Story: “A client hired me to coach her to grow her bookkeeping and tax preparation business. As we dug in, we discovered she had a lot of resistance to cold calls, taking on lots of new clients, and hiring another assistant. Through our coaching that focused on her strengths and values, this client realized she was growing the business because it was expected, not because it was what she wanted. She redefined her business vision, focused on working with the clients she really enjoyed, and wrapped up her office lease and returned to working from a home office. She was able to work less, make more money, and have time to visit her grandchildren who live in another state. We wrapped up coaching sessions soon after this realization; my client had discovered the life she wanted and took the action needed to make it happen!”

Why are You A Member of ICF North Texas? Like many independent coaches, Steve initially joined ICF North Texas to meet other coaches in the area and be able to interact in person with them since his coach training was all virtual. “I made some great friendships and discovered opportunities for learning and for giving back that continue to be meaningful,” Steve says. “Coaches supporting each other is one of the greatest rewards of being in this profession.” Steve also found that his experience as a member improved significantly once he volunteered. He explains, “I got to know people beyond the networking conversations at meetings and started some long-term friendships. I learned more about the chapter and I opened doors to get involved in activities that helped me to reach my potential and really increase my enjoyment.” He encourages everyone to reach out to do something this year, and to join everyone who is taking some sort of action to strengthen our growing profession.

Roles / Volunteering for ICF? Steve has been a very involved member of ICF North Texas, volunteering for a variety of roles for the chapter and beyond, including: Vice-chair of Prism for ICF North Texas for one year, Director of Alliances for two years, and Treasurer for one year.

Steve shares, “While I was Director of Alliances, I represented the chapter at the Southeast Region and met leaders from the other Texas chapters. It turned out to be a very meaningful time of learning together, and we created a committee and founded the All-Texas Retreat and Conference. As this turned into an annual event, a separate organization became needed to manage it, and Texas Coaches Coalition (TCC) was born. It is a wonderful way to stay involved in leveraging resources, creativity, and diversity by working with professional coaches across the state of Texas. I currently serve as Director of Finance for TCC and greatly enjoy how this work integrates with our ICF North Texas chapter relationships to strengthen professional coaching for all.”

What Else? Here I am with my grandbaby. There is no other way to interact with grandchildren than to be in the present moment with them! She’s a marvelous teacher.

Get Involved

Making plans for 2022? Have you scheduled time to volunteer with ICF North Texas? Volunteering is a wonderful way to develop contacts, use your expertise, and become a leader in your local chapter. Programs, Special Events, Membership, Communications—whatever you enjoy doing, we have a role for you!

Please reach out to Natalie Mendez at

Join a LINC

earn  Interact  Network  Connect

Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group

PCC Certification group

If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Cheryl Close for more information

        Global News


ICF Thought Leadership Institute

If you are interested in the future of coaching and how it will grow, be sure to take advantage of the resources here on the International Coaching Federation site and their Thought Leadership Institute.

                           Navigating Life Transitions

Whatever your niche in coaching, you are guiding people through meaningful transitions. In case you missed this article on the ICF Global site, we thought it might inspire you to frame how you do this with your clients at the beginning of the year to help them get a fresh start in whatever transitions they are navigating. With your coaching, you can help individuals elevate the experience and truly transform their approach for a lasting, truly spectacular change in their lives! Read the article here.

Thanks to Our Volunteers

Our great thanks go to Steve Hendon and his programs team for making sure we have excellent production to go along with our outstanding content month after month.

On behalf of all the Board and Chapter members, we express our gratitude to the three board members who have finished their terms:
Susan Daniel, Director of Alliances
Laurie Goetz, Director of Membership
Jane Koenecke, Director of Communications

Each of you has helped us to provide greater strategic planning and to elevate the accomplishments of the chapter through your dedication and outstanding caliber of research, collaboration and hard work.

Contact Information 


President  Tim Kincaid, PCC
President-elect  Staci Witten, PCC 
Secretary  Natalie Mendez, ACC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, MCC
Past President Kathleen Klaviter, PCC
Programs   Steve Hendon, PCC
Alliances  Dara Rossi, ACC
Membership   Cheryl Close, PCC
Communications   Lizette Warner
Online Platforms  Teresa Dabney, ACC
Special Events  Sandra Knight, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Impactful contributions to the coaching profession