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November 2020 Newsletter

Peggy Peterson | Published on 11/2/2020

Important Dates

Nov 11 Voting Ends at Midnight for 2021 Chapter Board

Nov 12 SE Region Webinar: 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT

Nov 13 Chapter 25th Anniv Meeting/Program: 11:15 AM - 1:15 PM CT

New Members and New Credentials

Please welcome our new members:

Melody Ford
Paula Holland
Jody Brown
Anne Murray
Robyn Hartzell
Casey Hasten
Chiwila Mumba-Black

New credential congratulations go to:
Frederick Sanders, PCC

President's Message

Read the President's Message 

        Monthly Events

November 12 Southeast Region Webinar
How to Help Your Clients Find Inner Strength with the "How Am I" Story
Annette Simmons, M.Ed.


The November 12 Southeast Region Webinar features Annette Simmons, M.Ed. Annette is a writer, trainer and consultant and the author. In 1998, an original course on storytelling for leadership proved so successful it led to two new books about storytelling as a communication tool. Annette continues to provide leadership training, keynote speeches, and onsite training on all the subjects covered in her books.

Some of the current approaches to storytelling suggest templates, arcs, and other frameworks that may be technically accurate but only distract clients from diving deep. How can you support your clients through the emotional process of discovering meaningful stories that remind them of their integrity, ground them in their best self, and help them find a stable “center” to weather these unprecedented levels of uncertainty? Learn a simple process for finding “who I am” stories with clients. The session will include a live demonstration so you can witness the process as Annette Simmons coaches a volunteer to find his or her own new story.

CCEUs for this Webinar: 1 Core Competency and 0.25 Resource Development Credits

Read the entire webinar description and register here:
November 12 Southeast Region Webinar

A Very Special Presentation for Our 25th Anniversary
Taming Your Gremlin®: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way
with Rick Carson


11:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Members-Only Annual Review

11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
All Attendees Welcome to Join the Meeting

Virtual Meeting and Program Fee:
Chapter Members: $25 / Non-Chapter Members: $35

All who attend are eligible for great prizes!

Thank you to Mina Brown and Stewart Leadership for donating these

When it comes to Gremlin-Taming®, Rick Carson wrote the book—literally. Rick is the author of four HarperCollins books. His seminal work, Taming Your Gremlin® has had a remarkable track record. A best seller since its publication in 1984, few books have had as great an impact on the coaching world as Taming Your Gremlin. Taming Your Gremlin has been translated into numerous languages, leading to a Revised Edition in 2003 and its sequel, A Master Class in Gremlin-Taming in 2008.

Here’s an opportunity to learn Gremlin-Taming® from the man who developed the method over 40 years ago. We’ll begin with an interview with Rick Carson. Drawing on questions submitted by attendees, we will explore the current status of Gremlin-Taming in the coaching world and delve into some of the key underpinnings of the Gremlin-Taming Method. We will then open up the floor for questions and comments from attendees.

CCEUs for this Program: 1 Core Competency Credit

Read the entire program description and register here:
November 13 Chapter Meeting and Program

        Chapter News

ICF North Texas 2021 Slate of Board Directors and Officers

Voting Ends at Midnight on Wednesday, November 11

Voting is available to Members only. Members must be logged in to access the ballot.


The Slate of Directors and Officers for the 2021 ICF North Texas Board was approved by the current ICF North Texas Board. According to our bylaws: “Members of the Board of Directors shall serve a minimum of two (2) years and a maximum of three (3) terms (six years) with an allowance of an exception for the President-Elect position. If a member is elected as President-Elect for the sixth consecutive year of service, he or she may serve a seventh year as President.”


Please vote YES to accept the 2021 slate by clicking here.


Board Members Proposed for the 2021 Slate:

1.  Past-President: Kristin Robertson, 1st year of 3rd term (2nd year as an Officer)


2.  President: Kathleen Klaviter, 1st year of 2nd term (2nd year as an Officer)

3.  President-Elect: Tim Kincaid, 1st year of 3rd term (5th year as an Officer)

4.  Treasurer: Jay Harris, 2nd year of 1st term (2nd year as an Officer)
5.  Secretary:
Natalie Mendez, 1st year of 1st term (1st year as an Officer)


6.  Alliances: Susan Daniel, 1st year of 2nd term

7.  Communications: Jane Koenecke, 2nd year of 1st term

8.  Special Events: Sandra Knight, 1st year of 1st term

9.  Programs: Steve Hendon, 2nd year of 1st term

10. Membership: Laurie Goetz, 1st year of 2nd term

11. Online Platforms: Open


For more information on each person on the slate, please click here.


If you are interested in the Online Platforms role, please contact Kathleen Klaviter ( for more information.

ICF Noth Texas is named Chapter Recognition Honoree for Our Work in 2019

For the second year in a row, ICF North Texas has been named as one of the Chapter Recognition Honorees by ICF Global. Whether you are new to the chapter or are someone who has contributed to our rich history through the years, you can be proud we are among the top chapters across the globe, recognized for our exceptional work and accomplishments in 2019.


Chapter recognition honorees are selected on the basis of their annual chapter activity reports. Our results once again demonstrate that we meet ICF’s criteria for high-performing chapters.


ICF North Texas Chapter:

  • Creates an attractive, credible presence and voice for professional coaching in its local community.
  • Exhibits qualities of a high-performing chapter (namely, agility, adaptability, accountability, sustainability, caring, innovation and relevance).
  • Creates sustainable governance.
  • Ensures financial viability.
  • Defines and manages culture.
  • Ensures infrastructure.
Thank you for all you do to help our chapter to be worthy of this wonderful recognition.

ICF North Texas Volunteer Opportunities

We always have a variety of ways to volunteer.
Please reach out to any board member to inquire

Join a LINC

Laugh  Interact  Nurture  Contribute

Members are welcome to join these two new LINC groups: 
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group

To join, visit our LINC page on the ICF North Texas website here.

If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Laurie Goetz at for more information.

    News from ICF Global

                          Join the Conversation About Climate Crisis

For those of you interested or who have clients interested in the Climate Crisis conversation, be sure to read this blog post on ICF Global: This is just an example of the rich resources available on our global site, so be sure to visit the research and other areas available to you global members.

Thanks to Our Volunteers


Thank you, Board Nominations Committee!


A Nominations Committee is formed every year to determine the chapter’s slate of officers and directors for the next year’s Board. This year’s committee was led by President-elect, Kathleen Klaviter, PCC; and included past Board members, Mina Brown, MCC; Steve Coxsey, PCC; and Valerie Pelan, PCC. We thank them for their time and attention to forming the best Board for 2021!

Contact Information 


President  Kristin Robertson, PCC
President-elect  Kathleen Klaviter, PCC 
Secretary  Timothy Kincaid, PCC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, PCC
Past President Mike Caracalas, PCC
Programs   Steve Hendon, PCC
Alliances  Susan Daniel, ACC
Membership   Laurie Goetz, ACC
Communications   Jane Koenecke, ACC
Online Platforms  Staci Witten, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Meaningful contributions to the coaching profession