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June 2020 Newsletter

ICF North Texas | Published on 6/1/2020

Important Dates

June 11  SE Region Webinar 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CDT - Ken Giglio, Mindful Leadership

June 16  Special Evening Event with ATD Dallas:
               Virtual Workshop 3:30 - 5:00 PM - Mike McDonald, Gallup
               Virtual Meeting/Program 6:30 - 8:00 PM - Scott Brown, Gallup

Please watch for ICF North Texas webinars and chapter meetings for
July and August coming soon!

New Members and New Credentials

Please welcome our new members:

Lance Blakely, ACC
Mary "Ka" Cotter
Soon Rabb
Sherry Yellin, ACC

New credential congratulations go to:
Melanie Florsheim, PCC

President's Message

Read the President's Message 

Monthly Events

June 11 Southeast Region Webinar
Three Lenses for Coaching Supervision: Developing a Reflective Practice for Coaches
Ken Giglio, PCC


11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CDT

Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20

Our June 11 Southeast Region Webinar features Ken Giglio, PCC, principal of Mindful Leadership Consulting, LLC, a leadership consulting and executive coaching firm that partners with executives and teams in global organizations.

In this experiential session, through live supervision sessions, participants will have the opportunity to give and receive coaching supervision and to experience, through a reflective dialog, how to view their work through a more systemic lens. Being an effective systemic coach means being attentive and present with the leaders we coach and reflecting on our work through three lenses: Self, Others, and the System. Coaching Supervision creates the reflective and relational space for coaches to look through these three lenses to learn and develop from a systems perspective in service of their clients and organizations.

CCEUS for this webinar:  1.5 Core Competency Credits

Read the entire webinar description and register here:
June 11 Southeast Region Webinar

June 16 Virtual Workshop - In Partnership with ATD Dallas
Virtual Leadership: Engaging Your Team in the Remote Workplace
Mike McDonald


3:30 – 5:00 PM

Virtual Workshop Fee: $49

Our June 16 virtual workshop is a joint venture with ATD Dallas, featuring Mike McDonald, a Senior Learning Consultant who works with Gallup clients to create learning strategies and initiatives that produce high levels of employee engagement and well-being.

How can leaders of virtual teams and remote associates equip, motivate and inspire their employees? We need an answer to that question now. And Gallup has it. We’ve been studying the management of remote teams for years. We know what remote workers need to be productive, accountable and engaged—maybe more so than they’ve ever been. And we know that all associates need to perform with excellence in a whole new environment and feel confident doing it. Your engagement matters, and we’ll help you sustain it—maybe even enhance it.

CCEUs for this Workshop: 1.5 Resource Development Credits

Read the entire workshop description and register here:

June 16 Virtual Workshop

June 16 Virtual Meeting and Program - In Partnership with ATD Dallas
Leading Through Disruption and How to Create Organizational Resiliency
Webinar Information (Program Title)


6:30 – 8:00 PM

There is no fee for this special joint event with ATD Dallas

Our June 16 special evening virtual meeting and program is a joint venture with ATD Dallas and features Scott Brown, Global Director of Business Development with Gallup.

This presentation will focus on key themes Gallup is studying and learning about how leaders can help guide their organization through the current disruption we’re facing. Gallup will share how companies can create organizational resiliency through a focus on the needs of followers, strengths and effective management practices.

CCEUs for this Program: 1 Resource Development Credit

Read the entire program description and register here:

June 16 Virtual Evening Meeting and Program

Chapter News

Strengthening Our Alliance with ATD
Joint Chapter Meeting on June 16


We are thrilled that the Association for Talent Development local chapter, ATD-Dallas, and ICF North Texas are coming together for a joint workshop and program to provide fresh learning, knowledge and research around coaching, leadership development and assessments, which have recently become an important part of ATD’s focus. Being part of this integrated community through our alliance that began in 2019 gives us an opportunity to build relationships and collaborate with a vast network of industry-leading talent professionals, corporate partners, technology gurus, consultants, vendors, and creative talent.

We are always look for ways to evolve and enhance your membership experience and by coming together with ATD, we can join with leaders across all scopes and size of businesses in DFW that are changing their organization for good, which fits perfectly with our desire to increase coaching cultures in organizations across DFW.


North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) Program

In recent months, we have been highlighting special opportunities to volunteer and partner with NTFB—an organization that is facing nearly ten times the increase in their quickly-growing need for services—for a truly comprehensive approach to establishing a coaching culture. We extend great thanks to the more than 40 volunteers who are helping us to provide workshops and one-on-one and group coaching for their nearly 30 leaders from June through September. We are especially excited to come alongside NTFB as they face the challenge of serving our community during these turbulent months of this pandemic.

Here are volunteers for North Texas Food Bank June through September, 2020 workshops and individual and group coaching:

Jeff Bearrows

Steve Hendon

Valerie Pelan

Katherine Bock

Stephen Hevesi

Demi Prentiss

Cheryl Close

Chester Jackson

Luz Maria Rebolleda

Larry Cochran

Kathy Lee

Lisa Reynolds

Jim Cooper

Tim Kincaid

Kristin Robertson

Teresa Dabney

Sandi Knight

Chris Schoolcraft

Susan Daniel

Jane Koenecke

Lisa Seay

Andy Deufel

Wendy Lee

Susan Shapiro

Ben Dilla

Ed Maier

Jonathan Silk

Darius Frasure

Julie Markese

Ilene Sporkin

Michele Galen

Natalie Mendez

Brad Sullard

Sumom Mary Geevarughese

Jude Olson

Kathleen Taylor-Gadsby

Laurie Goetz

Lisa Ong

Staci Witten

Jay Harris

Jenifer Parvin

Sherry Yellin

Jennifer Henagar



WBECS - Register Now for Pre-Summit or Full Summit Opportunities!


Many ICF-North Texas members are already taking advantage of the training available through the WBECS Pre-Summit with its TED-Talk style presentations, live coaching demonstrations, panel discussions, and implementation mastery sessions to integrate your learnings. There is still time to register for the Pre-Summit that started on May 26 and goes through June 17.

If you register for the Pre Summit through the ICF North Texas's affiliate link, you will receive:

  • The opportunity to earn up to 5 credits—for free—if you are an ICF member participating in at least eight courses offered through June 17.
  • An exclusive ICF Membership area hosted by the WBECS Team which, for the past four years, has been a highly-valued member benefit.
  • A personal concierge team for ICF Members, hosted by WBECS.
  • No-cost access to all recordings of the 2020 Pre-Summit sessions, available through the end of June 2020 (usually only available to Full Summit ticket holders and an exclusive benefit to ICF coaches).
  • A discount of up to $150, provided with a special promo code, exclusively for chapter participants who choose to purchase the Full Summit.

Back by popular demand, the ICF North Texas Board has decided to once again offer two additional opportunities:

  • When you register for the Pre-Summit event through our WBECS affiliate link, you will be entered into a drawing to win prizes, including WBECS Pro Membership Packages.
  • When you purchase a WBECS Summit package through our link, you will receive an annual ICF North Texas Membership or Renewal FREE! ($60 value).

During the Pre-Summit, you will find live panel discussions, new and upcoming industry professionals and well-known speakers sharing fresh concepts, ideas, research and knowledge that are very valuable for professional coaches. And the content is featured in 14 different languages this year to meet the wonderful way our professional coaching industry continues to grow in diversity.

The Full Summit (paid) provides weekly opportunities for WBECS training from September through May across the globe, and participants can earn up to 219 CCEUs! And when our chapter members decide to sign up for WBECS Full Summit, they can get a discount of up to $150 at the same time ICF North Texas earns a percentage of your payment. Packages range from $497 – $1,497 depending on level of access and purchase date. This is a truly phenomenal offering and if you are looking to immerse yourself in learning, WBECS offers a rich selection of excellent options.

All you need to do to take advantage of these benefits is to sign up. Be sure to use this ICFNT Affiliate Link:, which enables them to identify you as an ICF-NT member.


21st Annual Texas Conference for Women
Thursday, October 1, 2020


Registration opens Wednesday, June 10, at 9:00 AM


The 21st Annual Texas Conference for Women will be held Thursday, October 1, 2020. Stay tuned for exciting speaker announcements and other details. Registration opens on Wednesday, June 10, at 9:00 AM.

This event is now online and we do not yet know what volunteer needs there will be. We invite you to contact Susan Daniel if you would still like to be considered at Whether you are a volunteer or a participant, you will gain many benefits, including the opportunity to engage in fantastic keynote presentation and breakout sessions.


It's Our 25th Anniversary this Year!

We are gathering your photos that help to show us important moments along the way to our 25th Anniversary in November.
Please upload your digital photos to

Why Volunteer and Why Now?

A number of volunteer opportunities have been publicized recently, for us to make a difference. For those who may be experiencing a setback in your regular coaching hours because of the pandemic, we hope you will look at these meaningful volunteer opportunities. They may lead to paying clients, and they can keep you sharp and help you earn hours toward your next level of certification. ICF is currently extending the number of pro bono coaching hours that count toward your next level of accreditation. See more here.

Two current volunteer opportunities noted above are with North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) and the 2nd Annual Texas Conference for Women.

Additional volunteer opportunities:

United Way.
In an effort to support our local community during COVID-19, United Way is looking for anyone who is interested and willing to provide up to four hours of pro bono coaching to nonprofit organizations in North Texas over the next few months. Please email former ICF North Texas chapter president Neena Newberry ( with your name, email address, phone number, LinkedIn URL, and website URL. If you decide to participate, the United Way will share your contact information with a list of local nonprofits and you may be contacted directly by someone at that nonprofit. Our goal is to provide a list of local resources to support nonprofits during this challenging time. You may structure the coaching however you would like. Please contact Neena at or 713-822-3032 if you have any questions.

Success in Kind
Success in Kind provides pro bono coaching and consulting to small businesses challenged by the coronavirus and economic shut down. Of the ICF coaches who are in our program (Beth Cory, Jill Perrin, Kristin Robertson, Meryl Harari, Steve Hendon, Mike Caracalas, Laurie Goetz, Deborah Sanders, Jonathan Silk, Demi Prentiss, Lisa Harrington, Tamica Sears, Staci Witten, Jane Koenecke, Sue Shibley, and Susan Shapiro), seven have already delivered coaching to small businesses. Thank you so very much to the seven coaches who donated up to four hours of their time with Success in Kind: Jonathan Silk, Jill Perrin, Laurie Goetz, Steve Hendon, Staci Witten, Mike Caracalas, Susan Shapiro. Your work has made a difference in those business's lives. You helped them deal with crisis, change, pivoting their strategy, and you supported their pivot to online services, make hard decisions, and deal with the myriad of complex people issues they faced.

Our goal is to use all of our volunteers at least once before we seek more coaches, so we are not seeking new volunteers at this time. On the consulting side, we have used 13 so far in finance, marketing, human resources, IT, strategy and sales concentrations, for that is what the clients were in need of.

Please tell your small business friends and family and connections about what we are doing, as we need to get the word out there. Our surveys show businesses are more likely to sign up for help if they know the person who referred them, not through a social media campaign.

Steve Hendon, with Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce and Cedar Hill Economic Dev Corp
ICF North Texas member Steve Hendon is working alongside the Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Cedar Hill Economic Development Corporation to help local business owners respond to dramatically changing market needs. They are creating mastermind groups and have two full groups starting this week. If you would like to know more about this project and how it works, please email Steve at

ICF North Texas Volunteer Opportunity and Training!

Now that holding conference meetings online has taken a big spike in popularity, ICF North Texas is looking for more volunteers who can be available occasionally to facilitate chapter-related meetings or events with Zoom. We are offering Zoom training and will make sure you are well-equipped for this role. Please contact Past President Mike Caracalas at if you are interested in volunteering.

Join a LINC

augh  Interact  Nurture  Contribute 

If you’re interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups and how to join, please contact Laurie Goetz at for more information.

Thanks to Our ICF North Texas Volunteers

Jude Olson, Chapter President in 2017, is helping us keep ICF-NT fun and collaborative even when we cannot be together in person by helping us organize virtual Happy Hours!


Lisa Ong who has been supporting our Programs committee!


Our volunteers for United Way associates who are receiving professional coaching: Neena Newberry, Ka Cotter, Andrew Deufel, Judy Feld, Kathy Kee, Jane Koenecke, Lisa Ong, Amanda Panko, Valerie Pelan, Kristin Robertson, Susan Shapiro, Stanley Ward, Staci Witten.

Contact Information 


President  Kritin Robertson, PCC
President-elect  Kathleen Klaviter, PCC 
Secretary  Timothy Kincaid, PCC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, PCC
Past President Mike Caracalas, PCC
Programs   Steve Hendon, PCC
Alliances  Susan Daniel, ACC
Membership   Laurie Goetz, ACC
Communications   Jane Koenecke, ACC
Online Platforms  Staci Witten, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Impactful contributions to the coaching profession