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May 2020 Newsletter

ICF North Texas | Published on 5/4/2020

Important Dates

May 8    Virtual Meeting/Program 11:15 A - 1:15 P

May 14  SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:00 PM CDT

May 4-10  International Coaching Week

June 11  SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:00 PM CDT

June 16  Special Evening Event with ATD Dallas:
               Virtual Workshop 3:30 - 5:00 PM
               Virtual Meeting/Program 6:30 - 8:00 PM
               Featuring guest speakers from Gallup

New Members and New Credentials

Please welcome our new members:

Larry Cochran
Dr. Thomas Deas
La Toya Haynes
Jennifer Parvin, PCC

New credential congratulations go to:

Jane Koenecke, ACC
Shawn Landrum, ACC

President's Message

Read the President's Message 

Monthly Events

May 8 Virtual Meeting and Program
Leading the Future of Coaching
Sara Smith, MCC, CPCC, and Chair-ICF Professional Coaches Global Board

11:15 AM – 1:15 PM

Virtual Meeting and Program Fee: Chapter Members: $10 / Non-Chapter Members: $20


Our May 8 Online Program features Sara Smith, MCC, CPCC, and 2020 Chair of the ICF Professional Coaches Global Board. Sara has been involved in the ICF since 2001 where her passion for coaching led to her to become an active member in ICF North Texas and part of the leadership team for eight years. During that time, she created an ICF North Texas satellite in Tarrant County to establish an ICF identity west of the Trinity River. After two years, the satellite reunited with the main chapter to strengthen the ICF North Texas brand.

So much has happened with the ICF in 2020. It is our 25th anniversary year and as we prepare to celebrate the maturing of the profession and our place in it, we get word that the organization has completely restructured. In fact, the name has been changed to International Coaching Federation. What is the new structure and what does it all mean? What does this have to do with me and how will I benefit?

Attend the Online May 8 meeting and program of ICF North Texas and learn about the changes, where we fit and the value the changes will bring to members.

CCEUS for the May 8 Online Program: 1 Resource Development Credit

Read the entire program description and register here:
May 8 Virtual Meeting and Program

May 14 Southeast Region Webinar
Developmental Coaching Across Cultural Differences
Akasha Saunders, PCC


12:00 – 1:00 PM CDT

Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20


The May 14 Southeast Region Webinar features, Akasha Saunders, PCC, an educator, facilitator, and a certified developmental coach with over 10 years of experience. He is an associate with Cultivating Leadership and Solfire Consulting Group. Akasha stands for the development of leaders who care about expanding their purpose and internal capacity for navigating the complexities of the world as much as they are committed to growing their people and organization. He also has experience facilitating diversity, equity, and inclusion learning and building intercultural skills and capacity.

The coaching profession is growing. This is largely due to the efforts of coaches and coaching organizations across the globe that are focused on building awareness about the benefits of coaching. Coaching has become more desirable and accessible to people from underrepresented cultural groups. One implication related to this trend is that coaches will need to improve their skills in coaching across cultural differences. Another implication is the need to understand how the coach and client develop vertically or make meaning of their worlds and the socio-cultural factors that influence the realities they construct such as their coaching goals. This webinar is for coaches who want to effectively and ethically work with clients across cultural differences and who want to help their clients develop vertically to meet the demands of an increasingly complex inner and outer world.

CCEUS for this webinar: 1 Core Competency Credit


Read the entire webinar description and register here:
May 14 Southeast Region Webinar

Chapter News

Coaching Week Begins

This year International Coaching Week is May 4 – 10 and each of us can take this opportunity help someone learn about coaching - and to experience it - to expand the benefits and influence of ICF North Texas and strengthen coaching cultures.

Now in its 25th year, ICF North Texas has been setting a high standard in our profession and helping clients to find a coach and benefit from their professionalism. Yet many people have never experienced professional coaching or are even aware of what it is, so we are actively working to change that.


Many Opportunities to Volunteer

In the spirit of our coaching, where we often empower and build up our clients, we hope you will participate in one of several opportunities to volunteer as a way to help people learn and share more.

North Texas Food Bank (NTFB):

Many of us will band together to provide a comprehensive coaching experience from June through September. Their coaching experience will truly impact their culture, with individual and group coaching for 25 of their leaders, along with workshops led by ICF North Texas professional coaching volunteers.

For questions please contact Program Chair Susan Daniel (, 817-907-5429) or Volunteer Coordinator Demi Prentiss, 210-262-1479). You may register to volunteer using this form.

We need far more volunteers this year who can offer their time and professional coaching or workshop or volunteer management, to impact the NTFB culture at a pivotal time in their history. Almost all the work will take place online:

  • One-on-one coaching – Volunteers will provide three hours of coaching and participate in two online coach meetings.
  • Group coaching – Volunteers will team with another coach for two group coaching meetings with four to eight NTFB leaders.
  • Live workshops – Volunteers will present an opening workshop and a wrap-up session to the entire group.

Learn more about NTFB here.

Additional Volunteer Coaching Opportunities:

Susan Shapiro, PCC, is facilitating volunteer opportunities to support small business owners through difficulties brought about by the pandemic. We are currently encouraging small to midsized companies to apply for our service and learn more., Susan Shapiro (and Jon Shapiro and Jill Perrin)

Steve Hendon, PCC, has pulled together business and coaching leaders, the local Chamber of Commerce and the City Council to respond to small business owners in Cedar Hill area.

At our Virtual Happy Hour, many of our coaches shared other new ideas they are using to help their community and to share more about coaching with potential clients. Check out what our fellow coaches are doing for Coaching Week here.

We encourage you to post what you are doing with the use of ICF’s hashtag - #ExperienceCoaching. They have developed a blog at that can help people learn more about professional coaching and how to connect with one of us, so using this hashtag is a great way to educate more people about our growing profession.

Learn more about ICF International Coaching Week here.

21st Annual Texas Conference for Women - Call for Volunteers

It’s that time again! The 21st Annual Texas Conference for Women will be held Thursday, October 1, 2020, in Austin. Tickets for this event will go on sale through TCW on Wednesday, May 6.

As in years past ICF certified coaches will have the opportunity to engage attendees at this sold out event. ICF North Texas will receive 5 – 7 volunteer slots. Volunteer coaches will be in demonstrating and educating the public on the benefits and transformational power of professional coaching.

If you would like to consider committing your time and expertise to make an impact at this event while representing ICF North Texas, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing over the next three months during our monthly chapter meetings. You are eligible to enter the drawing each time you attend the June, July or August ICF North Texas monthly meetings.

Place:            Austin Convention Center

Date:             Thursday, October 1, 2020

Time:             7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Volunteers:   Volunteers are usually assigned 2-hour coaching shifts, 20-30 minutes per client


  • Free general admission to this sold out event
  • Keynote presentations and breakout sessions
  • Lunch

If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Susan Daniels at


It's Our 25th Anniversary
ICF North Texas Wants Your Favorite Chapter Photos from the Last 25 Years

Please gather your Chapter photos to help us to capture the many special memories over the past 25 years. We will provide a link for uploading your photos very soon. We look forward to making our celebration in November, the anniversary of our first chapter meeting, a wonderful tribute!

Congratulations to Our ICF North Texas 2020 Mascot, Cinnamon

During our recent Happy Hour, several participants brought their pets (and a few fake pets) to a contest for our first ICF North Texas mascot. Here we see owner of ElementC and Coach Lisa Seay, ACC, holding our winner, her beautiful rabbit, Cinnamon. Lisa rescued Cinnamon and her daughter bunny, Gumdrop. “Cinnamon makes great company while I’m working at home, except when she crunches loudly on carrots and celery.” Thanks for representing ICF-NT, Cinnamon!

ICF North Texas Volunteer Opportunity and Training!

Now that holding conference meetings online has taken a big spike in popularity, ICF North Texas is looking for more volunteers who can be available occasionally to facilitate chapter-related meetings or events with Zoom. We are offering Zoom training and will make sure you are well-equipped for this role. Please contact Past President Mike Caracalas at if you are interested in volunteering.

Join a LINC

augh  Interact  Nurture  Contribute 

If you’re interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups and how to join, please contact Laurie Goetz at for more information.

News from ICF Global

ICF Global Introduces Digital Badges

For coaches who have earned ICF Credentials, ICF now provides coaches with a digital badge to display. This is an excellent way to show your achievement to the world, including clients and employers. You can post your badge on social and professional media, including LinkedIn and your email signature, blog or website.


You should have already received an email inviting you to download your credential. The badging is carefully managed by the official digital credential provider, Credly’s Acclaim. If you have any questions, you can find answers to frequently asked questions at

Thanks to Our Volunteers

Thank you to members of our International Coaching Week committee who are organizing our chapter’s six-month engagement to create a coaching culture for North Texas Food Bank. Susan Daniel leads members Larry Cochran, Michele Galen, Jane Koenecke, Demi Prentiss, Staci Witten, and Sherry Yellin.

Thank you to Staci Witten who provided technical support during our recent chapter meeting and happy hour!

Thank you to Tyra Bremer who manages our webinars each month!


Contact Information 


President  Kristin Robertson, PCC
President-elect  Kathleen Klaviter, PCC 
Secretary  Timothy Kincaid, PCC
Treasurer   Jay Harris, PCC
Past President Mike Caracalas, PCC
Programs   Steve Hendon, PCC
Alliances  Susan Daniel, ACC
Membership   Laurie Goetz, ACC
Communications   Jane Koenecke, ACC
Online Platforms  Staci Witten, ACC


Our Mission

Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches. 

Our Vision

ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
  • A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
  • Continuing education 
  • Meaningful contributions to the coaching profession

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