Chapter News
ICF North Texas 2023 Board of Directors Slate
Currently, the Nominations Committee is meeting to create the ICF North Texas 2023 Board Member Slate. The Nominations Committee consists of four members: Staci Witten (President-Elect/Chair), Mike Caracalas (Former Board Member/Past President), Ken Jenkins (Member), and Juanita Rowley (Member).
The committee is accepting nominations for the following positions:
• President-Elect
• Director of Programs
• Secretary
• Treasurer
If you have an interest or would like to nominate someone for consideration, please contact Staci Witten (
Serving on the board has many benefits and is a fantastic way to get to know more of our many chapter members, as well as offering a multitude of opportunities available through ICF.
Please watch for your opportunity to vote for our Board Members at the beginning of November. Once chapter members validate the Board slate, we will be excited to introduce you to our Board for 2023 who will be led by our soon-to-be President Staci Witten. Thank you!
Chapter DEIJB Committee Forming
ICF Global recently released an ambitious vision for ensuring that ICF and its chapters are welcoming and inclusive. In support of ICF’s diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging (DEIJB) vision, ICF North Texas is forming a DEIJB committee to explore our current state of inclusivity and discover what opportunities for improvement exist. The committee will help guide the ICF North Texas Board of Directors in formulating a chapter DEIJB mission and vision, and a plan for the way forward.
If you have an interest in helping our chapter create our DEIJB roadmap and a plan for implementing the work at a thoughtful pace, please reach out by Oct. 15 to
Texting Coming Soon
Many of us in the world really enjoy texting! It fits our in-the-moment way of life and it’s very convenient to message and respond quickly and get things done. Our chapter will soon move to texting members with opportunities to register for our array of learning opportunities and gatherings. Of course, you may opt out from receiving texts at any time.
Watch for more about how ICF North Texas continues our efforts to serve you with the latest in communication and technology so that you can continually benefit from all we offer you and your professional coaching growth.
Member Snapshot - Mike Caracalas, PCC
If you have been around ICF North Texas for any length of time, you may have heard the name of Mike Caracalas. It is our pleasure to share insights from Mike about his career, coaching, and ICF experience.
Tell us about your coaching business, credentials and training. I split my time between my business with Caracalas and Associates, LLC and part-time employment as a coach at UT Southwestern Medical Center,” Mike shared.
With a PCC from ICF; CPCC from the Co-Active Institute and a CTPC from Team Coaching International, Mike has received a variety of training: Co-Active Coaching; Co-Active Leadership; Team Coaching International; Fundamentals of Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC); and many others.
Why coaching? Mike shared, “I discovered coaching over 25 years ago when my company sponsored some internal coach training. I was also fortunate to observe the executive coaches my company was bringing in and I decided someday I want to do that!” It was about 10 years ago that Mike made the leap and transitioned from internal corporate work to his very own external leadership coaching practice. “Best career decision I ever made!” says Mike.
What kind of coaching do you offer? Corporate, Executive, Internal or Organizational, and Leadership Development. “After studying leadership and organizational psychology, I spent nearly 20 years in the fields of Leadership Development and HR Business Partnering.” Mike said. “I experienced a wide range of leadership development courses, took just about every assessment known to humankind, and worked with countless executives. Over that time, I also experienced my own growth as a leader. Today, I get the most satisfaction coaching senior executives to become leaders of people.”
Mike has found that every client is different and his favorite kind of experience with them is seeing clients, again and again, transcend beyond what they thought they could do. They keep adding to their story and opening their lives to more possibilities.
Why ICF – and what has been most memorable so far? It seemed like the logical choice to join ICF North Texas when Mike launched his coaching practice. “I wanted to feel part of a community and I wanted to keep developing my skills, so I just signed up,” said Mike. He also shared, “I spent five years on the ICF North Texas board, including President in 2019. After taking a year off, I recently volunteered again to serve on the nominating committee for the 2023 board. I also just signed up for Connections Crew!”
Mike started the Digital Marketing LINC and led that for a year before turning it over to the capable leadership hands of Dara Rossi and Staci Witten. He is also proud that ICF North Texas was honored with a Recognition of Excellence award two years in a row during his time on the board. Mike is proud to have contributed.
One of his favorite parts of being on the board was participating in the Southeast Region leadership retreats (Jacksonville, Nashville, and Charlotte), where Mike met colleagues and fellow ICF chapter members from across the region. His highlight? Traveling to Dublin Ireland for the Global Leadership Forum, where Mike was honored to accept the Chapter Excellence recognition on behalf of ICF North Texas.
Why do you encourage others to join? Mike says, “ICF has been a great source of learning, community, and joy for me. I could not imagine doing the work that I do without the foundation of support I find in ICF. You will get out of your ICF experience what you put into it. Step outside your comfort zone and step into a mutual relationship with ICF.”
Mike with his family
Mike in Ireland
Mike with Kathleen Langley and Sara Smith
Receiving Chapter Excellence Award in Dublin

Mike with Board members Kathleen, Susan,
Laurie, and Staci