Important Dates
June 6 New Business Building LINC Kick-Off Call 7:15 PM CT
June 10 Virtual Chapter Meeting 11:15 AM-1:15 PM CT
June 23 New Member Orientation - 12:00-1:00 PM CT
July 8 Hybrid Chapter Meeting 11:15 AM-1:15 PM CT
July 8 Hybrid Chapter Workshop 1:30 - 3:30 PM CT
October 14 Celebrate Coaching 2022
New Members and New Credentials
Welcome to Our New Members
Lola Aje
Kathie Gautille
Jesse Rodgers
Linda Diane Smith, ACC
Congratulations on Your New Credentials!
Lola Aje, PCC
Debra Atkisson, PCC
Kathie Gautille, ACC
Caswell Harrigan, PCC
P.J. Johnson, ACC
David Martin, ACC
Terrance Turpin, PCC
Lauren Vosbein, ACC
Monthly Events
June 10 Virtual Chapter Meeting and Program
ICF Member and Industry Research - 2022 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study
Sandy Stansfield
11:15 AM – 1:15 PM
Virtual Meeting and Program Fee: Chapter Members – 10 / Non-Chapter Members - $20
Sandy Stansfield is the Director of Member and Industry Research for ICF. In her role, Stansfield manages member and industry research for the ICF including working with PricewaterhouseCoopers on the 2022 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study. Stansfield has 35 years of research experience, which includes 27 years of association management experience. Stansfield is a Maine native and is a graduate of the Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree.
As the awareness of professional coaching continues to grow globally, the 2022 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study—ICF’s latest and largest consumer study yet—provides insights into consumers’ perceptions and motivations. Learn more about this study commissioned by ICF and conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Findings for this study incorporate 30,727 responses from across 30 countries.
CCEUs for this Program: 1 Resource Development CCEU
Chapter News
Tonight - Monday, June 6
New Business Building LINC Kick-Off Meeting
7:15 PM CT
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 811 9551 4120
Passcode: 221057
Registration is not required and there is no cost.
The Business Building LINC creates a community for ICF North Texas coaches to share knowledge and resources to both build and sustain healthy coaching businesses. Our co-leaders, Anna-Lisa Leefers and Steve Hendon, PCC, are active members of ICF North Texas who recognize the growing need for an ongoing support for business building. They anticipate a wide range of topics to be covered regularly, such as the basics of setting up your business, branding and marketing, finding clients, and growing your client base. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned business owner, you will want to give it a try.
After setting up her own business, Anna-Lisa said, “I was struck by two things: how much I did not know and needed to find out, and how lonely I felt. There is an old African proverb that says “If you want to fast, go alone. If you want to far, go together.” There are many parts of the business set up that can only be determined by the individual. However, having access to a community to lean into for support or assistance can be the make-or-break factor in getting off to a solid start or not starting at all. Coaching is big business today and ICF North Texas is poised to help local coaches invest in making the connections needed to be a part of it.
Steve Hendon says he looks forward to learning as much or more than he contributes to this new LINC group. He said, “Bringing coaches together in a LINC group format always provides a wonderful experience!” With his years of experience in programming, Steve has a keen understanding of how deep and wide the information on this topic is, and how many coaches can benefit from it. Steve is very pleased to help ICF North Texas continue to offer a breadth of individual, small group, large group, online and in-person learning opportunities to as many coaches possible, making it easy to invest in themselves for a solid future in coaching.
To learn more, please join our first zoom call at 7:15 PM (central), TONIGHT, Monday, June 6. If you are interested but unable to attend, please send an email to Steve Hendon ( and let him know that you would like to be included in future communications.
Save the Date: Celebrate Coaching 2022 | October 14

Please join ICF North Texas and our special guests as we present Celebrate Coaching 2022 on October 14, 2022. This year, Celebrate Coaching will be presented in a hybrid format, so you and your guests can join us in person at the Las Colinas Country Club or virtually via Zoom.
Now more than ever, coaching enables leaders and their teams to deal with the unknown - to work better together in a dynamic workplace environment where success often requires resilience like never before. Coaching has been proven to increase leadership effectiveness, team effectiveness, and Increased employee self-efficacy.
Registration for this annual event will be open soon, and sponsorship opportunities are available now! If you or someone you know would be interested in sponsoring Celebrate Coaching 2022, please contact Sandi Knight, Director of Special Events, at
This year, we are pleased to announce two speakers who will offer two different perspectives on the value of coaching:
Carol Kauffman, PhD
Carol will discuss the results of surveying over 1,000 CEOs and the impact of coaching in their organization, starting with the CEO.
Carol is known globally as one of the top leaders in the field of coaching. She has been named the #1 Leadership coach in the world by the Marshall Goldsmith group. Thinkers 50 shortlisted her as one of the top 8 coaches for her contribution as a thought leader and coach.
She is on the faculty at Harvard where she is the Founder of the Institute of Coaching. In addition, she supervises an international fleet of leadership coaches and has created a Coach Approach training program with a global footprint.
As a very active practicing coach, her mission is to help leaders raise the bar on themselves, their teams and organizations to maintain peak performance and optimal life satisfaction.
BNSF Railway
Representatives from BNSF will share an update on their coaching program and where it is today - specifically, how coaching programs identify blind spots, strengthening adaptive relational and self-awareness, and creating more evolved leaders through coaching.
BNSF Railway is one of North America’s leading freight transportation companies, with a rail network of 32,500 route miles in 28 states and three Canadian provinces. BNSF is one of the top transporters of the products and materials that help feed, clothe, supply and power communities throughout America and the world. BNSF moves those goods more safely and efficiently, on significantly less fuel, with fewer emissions than the all-highway alternative.
Are You Interested in Pro Bono Coaching?
We have several pro bono coaching opportunities coming up. If you are interested in one or more of these, please complete this volunteer form in order to participate.
United Way – new partnership pro bono coaching (Q3-Q4)
• Three hours over 90 days
NTFB Partnership – pro bono coaching (Q3-Q4)
• Leaders in transition and top talent/high potential leaders
• Six hours over four months
ATD Dallas – pro bono coaching during August 22-26, 2020
• Laser Coaching for 30-minute sessions
• Week following the Southwest Learning Summit Conference on August 18, 2022
Thank You for a Wonderful International Coaching Week for Our Chapter
Our first ever Lunch & Learns to celebrate ICW were a success. The presentations were great, and we had over 100 people register throughout the week. We will take our insights and learnings from this project and plan to do something similar for next year’s ICW.
One exciting idea that came from this project was the continuation of monthly Lunch & Learn presentations from our members. This will be a great way for you to try out new content, build your presentation skills, or learn facilitation on the backend. These will run monthly for the rest of this year (July 2022 – November 2022).
If you are interested in presenting, please complete this proposal form.
For more information contact Dara Rossi at
Member Snapshot - Anna-Lisa Leefers and Steve Hendon
To help us know our fellow chapter members better, we offer this Member Snapshot each month. We can learn more about the type of coaching our associates offer and their expertise, and it always helps us appreciate what an impressive caliber of coaches we have here in DFW. This month we are pleased to highlight the two co-leaders of the new Business Building LINC, Anna-Lisa Leefers, PhD and Steve Hendon, PCC.
Member Snapshot - Anna-Lisa Leefers, PhD
Organization: Anna-Lisa is the President and Founder of The Accomplished Leader, LLC., a boutique consulting and executive coaching firm. In addition, she teaches as an adjunct professor at Dallas Baptist University in the College of Business. Learn more about Anna-Lisa here.Organization: Anna-Lisa is the President and Founder of The Accomplished Leader, LLC., a boutique consulting and executive coaching firm. In addition, she teaches as an adjunct professor at Dallas Baptist University in the College of Business. Learn more about Anna-Lisa here.
Type of coaching offered and Training: Anna-Lisa specializes in executive coaching, leveraging her 20 years in Corporate America alongside senior leaders and the pressures and challenges they face. With a background of leadership research and development, she can guide them as they navigate whatever circumstance comes along. She is currently enrolled in the UT Dallas’ Executive and Professional Coaching program and working toward securing her ACC in the Fall 2022.
Why coaching? Lisa pursued her PhD in Leadership Studies because she wanted more tools to help unlock a leader’s potential. Coaching is a natural extension of this calling.
So many leadership models in business today demand the leader be the expert, be the hero, be the inspiration, or some combination of all three. Yet, between globalization pressures and shifting expectations from younger generations, leaders need to be more flexible and more vulnerable than ever before. Coaching provides a safe space to cultivate and exercise new skills in a non-judgmental environment, something that all leaders desperately crave and require to grow to the next level.
In a recent example, one of her clients admitted that her concept of what a senior leader looked like was nothing like herself, and so Anna-Lisa gently shared her concept aligned to what researchers have reported for years was different. The client became quiet, and then she began exploring the possibility that her leadership had value and she really could be a senior leader, even if she was different from the leaders that surrounded her. Anna-Lisa explains, “That moment when a client sees the possibility is everything in coaching.”
Why volunteer? “I had the great honor to serve as a pro-bono coach for the Relaunch program, sponsored by the Dallas Bar Association (DBA),” Anna-Lisa said. This four-month program assists attorneys who stepped away from the profession to reenter. Participants brush up specific legal or job search skills and receive individual coaching between the monthly workshops. “I also had the opportunity to present one of the seminars on the topic of ‘Harnessing the power of growth mindset for your job search.’” This volunteering opportunity gave her a beautiful, front row seat to the value of coaching as a tool for transformation.
Why are you a member ICF North Texas? As much as the world relied upon digital tools for the past two years to survive, business still remains a local affair. This is particularly true for deeply personal, tailored businesses, such as coaching. So many of my work contacts lie in other states or countries because I worked for global organizations in virtual teams. This is my opportunity to get to know my own backyard and give back to my community.
The following quotes from Anna-Lisa highlight two key insights for members:
“I just finished my first round of Reciprocal Peer Coaching through ICF and it was a fantastic, eye-opening experience. The careful matching process allowed me to really flex my coaching techniques with others who could supply informed feedback. If you have not tried this yet, consider it!
“Everyone in my UTD cohort jokes that we thought we knew what coaching was—until we actually started coaching! The difference is, we now understand there are discreet skills, actual techniques, and a clear body of knowledge that good coaches learn and draw upon. If we are to grow the profession responsibly, then we each have a role to play in educating the general public on what coaching is (and is not) and how good coaches operate. That only underscores the importance to help good coaches secure a solid foundation for their businesses. Otherwise, we risk not having good coaches available to help make a difference.”
What else should you know about Anna-Lisa? Anna-Lisa is passionate about music and would jump at the chance to become an opera singer or to be a voice in a Disney production. She also shared, “My husband Jim and I love to travel. In 2018 we went to Iceland and Australia and we hope to visit Egypt, Petra, and Antarctica.

Anna-Lisa and Jim in Iceland. Jim and Anna-Lisa in Sydney, Australia
Member Snapshot - Steve Hendon, PCC
Organization: Steve founded Practice to Business in 2006. Today Steve works primarily with business owners, managers, and executives. He helps them elevate their performance and develop business and people strategies that provide results. “This work feeds my lifelong curiosity about human behaviors, motivations, and strengths. What makes people tick has a lot to do with how people succeed in business and life,” Steve explained. He added, “For many leaders, the business side is easy, the people side not so much.”
Steve has become well-known in his community and received the Distinguished Business Award in 2016 from the Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce and the 2018 Man of the Year award in 2018. “Throughout my coaching career I have been rewarded and honored by my clients referring more leaders to me.” Steve added, “I’m really honored with their trust.”
Credentials and Training: Steve is credentialed by ICF as a PCC coach and he received his training from International Coach Academy.
Roles or volunteering for ICF: Steve has participated in many ways and shared the following: “I have been able to work with managers from The Girl Scouts of America, North Texas Food Bank, and The Dallas Bar Association. Within ICF North Texas, I first served on the Programs team in 2017 and continued to serve for three years. I have been serving as an ICF Board member since 2020. I have also enjoyed working with the Celebrate Coaching and Holiday Party planning. I participate in the Digital Marketing and PCC LINC groups, and I will now co-lead the Business LINC group. All of these provide a sense of connection, learning, and self-improvement that would be hard to find anywhere else.”
Why are you a member of ICF North Texas? ICF North Texas is a professional organization. Being a part of this local chapter connects me to the community and informs me of what is happening at the global level. The opportunity to serve has brought be far more that I could have imagined. I’m also connected with some of the best coaches and teachers in the world. I am a better coach for being a part of ICF North Texas. ICF coaches are a wonderful group of people to hang out with.
What else should you know about Steve? “I feel very blessed in my life. I love what I do, and I spend a good bit of time on my business. When I’m not doing that, I enjoy playing golf, building Tiffany reproduction lamps and stained-glass windows and spending time with family.”

One of Steve’s favorite ways to spend time is being with his wife Jodi,
son Colin and his wife Stephanie.

Steve and his brother Paul enjoying a game of golf.

One of Steve's stained One of Steve's Tiffany
glass windows reproduction lamps
Get Involved
DEI&B Advisory Committee: A new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging committee is forming to help explore and identify our strengths and opportunities for making ICF North Texas more welcoming and inclusive. If you have experience or a strong interest in DEI work, please contact Tim Kincaid at
Sponsorship Advisory Committee: Our chapter is ready to take the next step in organizing and implementing a sponsorship program for ICF North Texas. Members with experience and interest in non-profit organization sponsorship can contact Tim Kincaid at
Join a LINC
Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group
If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Cheryl Close for more information.
Global News
WBECS Summit
Amazing experiences come from attending the World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS). Even though sessions began on May 31, there is still time to register and receive your free sessions that still have capacity.
Complimentary WBECS Summit
There are more than 40 online sessions. There’s zero pitching and nothing to pay. It won’t cost you a penny. If you want more training, there is a great deal more that you can sign up for ahead at the full summit. Come experience WBECS for yourself.
Who Can You Trust as a Coach Podcast
ICF leaders Anik Clemens and Mickey Gustafson elaborate on the stringent process to become a certified coach, the ethics and standards, and their passion for helping coaches improve the lives, relationships and business performance of their coaching clients. Valerie Sokolosky, host and one of our ICF PCC coaches, invites us to hear what it takes to become a coach and how to find the right coach for you.
Title: Who Can You Trust as a Coach?
The audio is available on all podcast platforms. You may contact Valerie at
Tell US Why You Are an ICF Coach
Why are you a Global ICF Member? What do you enjoy about coaching? Let us know by filling out our Member Experience form, and you could be featured in an upcoming Member Update, social media post or other form of ICF communication.
Submit your story.
Thank You to Our Volunteers
Our chapter recognizes and thanks Teresa Dabney for her outstanding volunteer efforts to support the International Coaching Week Lunch & Learns.
Our Mission
Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches.
Our Vision
ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
- A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
- Continuing education
- Impactful contributions to the coaching profession