December 2021 Newsletter
ICF North Texas | Published on 12/6/2021
Important Dates
Dec 9 Virtual Holiday Party: 6:00 - 7:00 PM CT
Dec 10 Chapter Webinar: 12:00 - 1:00 PM CT
Dec 17 Deadline for Completing Chapter Survey
Jan 14 Annual Chapter Meeting: 11:15 AM-1:15 PM
Mar 31-Apr 3 All Texas Retreat & Conference
New Members and New Credentials
Welcome to Our New Members:
Michelle Edwards
Karen Gray, PCC
Bill Guy
Anna-Lisa Leefers
Keri Saddler
Congratulations on Your New Credentials:
Michele Galen, ACC
Brian Rosenburg, ACC
Monthly Events
Virtual Chapter Holiday Party
Thursday, December 9
6:00 – 7:00 PM CT
Fee: No Cost
Prizes! Activities! Fun!
Register in advance for this virtual gathering!
December 9 Virtual Chapter Holiday Party
Please join us at the ICF North Texas Virtual Holiday Party.
Wear your holiday attire. Bring your favorite holiday treat and/or beverage. Put up a holiday backdrop.
Join us for fun, fellowship, and a big helping of holiday spirit. Enjoy festivities that include group activities, holiday trivia, and a long list of great prizes.
We hope to see you there!
December 10 Chapter Webinar
Happiness Through Neuroscience
Juanita Rowley, PCC
12:00 – 1:00 PM CT
Webinar Cost: Chapter Members – $10 / Non-Chapter Members – $20
Juanita Rowley, PCC has over 35 years of professional experience across Coaching, being a CEO, and program development and implementation, and has launched three successful entrepreneurial businesses. She is the creator of Happiness Through Neuroscience and is on a mission to bring the knowledge of how people have the ability to mindful and purposefully change their thinking to achieve happiness, contentment, and peace.
Neuroscience advancements and research show that many behaviors can be tracked through various parts of the brain, and that the part of the brain that is different in humans, the Prefrontal Cortex, has significant impact on behavior choices. For you and for your clients, harnessing your own abilities to direct your thoughts and rewire your brain can lead to happiness becoming a reality for you. The ability to experience all of the things in your life differently is within you. This is about rewiring, literally changing the pathways in your brain, so that the way you think is changed to create the life you desire. It’s about learning how it works and making it work for you. And by learning how it works, and taking that into your coaching, you can lead your clients into making it work for them, too.
CCEUs for this Webinar: 0.5 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development Credits
Read the entire webinar description and register here:
December 10 Chapter Webinar
Save the Date – January 14 Annual Chapter Meeting
Our First Hybrid Event!
ICF North Texas: The Past - The Present - The Future
Kathleen Klaviter, PCC - Timothy Kincaid PCC - Staci Witten, PCC
We will have a special gift for all chapter members who are able to attend in person at Hackberry Creek Country Club or virtually via Zoom. If you attend virtually, to ensure your gift is mailed to your correct address, please update your member profile on our website by January 14. Kathleen Klaviter, Timothy Kincaid, and Staci Witten will become our past, present, and future chapter presidents, and they will be part of a panel discussion entitled ICF North Texas: The Past – The Present – The Future. Please save the date and watch for more information to come.
* * * * *
As we look forward to our first live meeting on January 14, 2022, we need to acknowledge that prices on many goods and services have gone up. Our costs for producing live meetings have also gone up. You will see a slight increase in your registration fee, but rest assured we are doing everything we can to keep your costs as low as possible.
We do have options. One of those is to change our venue. If you have thoughts on venues in the same general location that we meet currently (Hackberry Creek Country Club), we would appreciate your feedback. You can send your ideas to Steve Hendon, Programs Director, at
ICF North Texas Distinguished Service Award
Announcement on Submitting Nominations Coming Soon!
ICF North Texas will soon be announcing our Distinguished Service Award that recognizes outstanding service to our chapter and the coaching profession. A forthcoming special emailing will contain nomination and eligibility requirements, selection criteria and the nomination application. This is a very special recognition and your input is very important as we consider our candidates. We look forward to your participation!
Jim Wetrich, ACC, Serving on ICF Global Board
ICF North Texas is known for having members who are strong leaders throughout the professional coaching world, and we are excited to announce that one of our members is serving on the 2022 ICF Global Board of Directors. Please join us in congratulating Jim Wetrich, ACC, of The Wetrich Group in Southlake, Texas, who has been a member of our chapter since 2018. Jim is founder, owner and CEO of the health care consulting firm providing comprehensive supply chain, operations, business development, sales and marketing advisory services for the United States and international suppliers and providers. These days, he focuses much of his time on executive coaching and mentoring.
Also known as “Big Red,” he uses his coaching expertise in many ways to navigate complex issues and allow and inspire people around him to accomplish more. His more than 40 years of health care advisory have resulted in excellent company and entrepreneurial activities across the U.S., Europe and Latin America, and include many partnerships and serving on a number of for-profit and not-for-profit boards, including advisory boards. Jim recently published his first book, Stifled: Where Good Leaders Go Wrong.
We are very excited to have this member of ICF North Texas represent coaches at the global level. Jim, we wish you a wonderful adventure ahead as a new Director of the Professional Coaches Board for ICF.

2022 All Texas Retreat and Conference
March 31 - April 3, 2022

Hosted by The Texas Coaches Coalition, this is a three-day event that will take place in New Braunfels, Texas at T Bar M, March 31 – April 3, 2022. You will spend three amazing days with other heart-centered people, and will experience great programming, fantastic speakers, a relaxing setting, and a variety of activities to stimulate creativity and personal reflection. Last but certainly not least, you will go home with a meaningful number of ICF Continuing Education credits for your next renewal.
● Recharge, rejuvenate and recreate in a beautiful natural setting—the perfect Space for YOU
● Learn and grow as a person and as a coach—the perfect Space for LEARNING
● Network, share with others, enjoy your colleagues—the perfect Space for CONNECTING
Registration is now open and can be done on the website: Early bird registration is open through December 31, 2021 for a reduced rate of $399 per person. Starting January 1, 2022, registration cost will be $499 per person.
Learn more about The Texas Coaches Coalition here.
ICF North Texas Members - Please Update Your Member Profile on Our Website
When you update your profile, you will expand your marketing and visibility to potential clients and other contacts. Your profile information, displayed in the Find A Coach listing on our website, is viewable to all members, associates and guests—and it's a great tool for networking within our community.
To update your member profile, view your "My Directory Listing" located in the dropdown menu under your member login, and confirm your contact (phone, email and mailing addresses), coaching specialties, and other professional information are all current. For more instructions on how to log in and update your profile, follow this 90-second, easy training video (created by our member, Dara Rossi).
Thank you for helping us to enhance our member profile information and create a more robust Find A Coach listing for those interested in your professional coaching.
We Want to Serve You More! Take the Chapter Survey
When you receive great value from your participation with ICF North Texas, our chapter gets stronger. To ensure we are providing what you need for your coaching profession, we need your input. We know coaching is expanding in many ways and we’d love to continue being your top resource for training, resources, connections, and information. Please take a few moments to complete the survey so we can bring you even more great benefits and keep our coaching community strong. Thank you!
Please complete the survey by December 17. Access the Survey at and enter code 4382 7835 or scan the bar code with your phone.

Announcing Our ICF North Texas 2022 Board
Thank you for your participation in the recent vote and welcome to our 2022 Board! Look for these new Board members’ biographies to be added to our website by January 1, 2022, and to be introduced to our new Board at our Annual Chapter meeting on January 14, 2022.
Executive Officers:
President: Tim Kincaid, PCC
President-Elect: Staci Witten, PCC
Treasurer: Jay Harris, MCC
Secretary: Natalie Mendez, ACC
Kathleen Klaviter, PCC
Alliances: Dara Rossi, ACC
Communications: Lizette Warner, PCC (meet Lizette below)
Membership: Cheryl Close, PCC
Online Platforms: Teresa Dabney, ACC
Programs: Steve Hendon, PCC
Special Events: Sandra Knight, ACC
When she saw the opening on the Board slate sent in early November, Lizette Warner stepped forward to learn more. After meeting with the Board, she was voted in to take the role of Director of Communications beginning January 1, 2022. We are excited to introduce you to Lizette, a PhD and PCC, who has been a leader for Philips Healthcare managing Strategic Innovations in Oncology. Lizette founded Optimum Vobis to provide Leadership coaching and training to Healthcare Organizations and Professionals. An avid podcaster, Lizette is the host of the fastest growing coaching party podcast out there, A PCC Coach Party, dedicated to celebrating credentialed coaches and sharing their insights and their coaching conversations with others. Lizette is grateful to work with ICF North Texas and lend her strategic skills to enrich chapter communications and serve our ICF-NT members. Please help us welcome our new Director of Communications!
Celebrate Coaching 2022 Seeks Volunteers
It’s not too early to start planning our next year’s Celebrate Coaching 2022 event. If you are looking for a place to volunteer next year, this is a great opportunity. Some of the areas we need help on are: finding the right speakers, finding the right location (on site in 2022), catering options, other types of events we may want to include. We do not have a firm date yet as that may be dictated by the speaker’s schedule and will be decided in 2022. If you are interested, please contact Sandi Knight directly at
Member Snapshot - Michele Newhouse
As we continue showing you the breadth, depth, and variety of coaches affiliated with ICF North Texas, we are excited to feature someone who brings an internal coaching perspective, perhaps a bit surprisingly, through her role in a nearly 30-year-old wealth management firm. This snapshot highlights a growing trend that many organizations are coming to recognize the benefits from offering coaching more broadly. Also, that applying coaching and other development skills throughout the organization experience can help individual’s take greater ownership of their goals and have clarity and alignment with the organization’s vision. We are pleased to introduce you to Michelle Newhouse.
Title and organization. Michele Newhouse is the Communications & Education Specialist for Richard P. Slaughter Associates. Michele works with internal employees in sessions they call “Coaching and More.” She explains that depending on the needs of the person, the session might require performance coaching, executive coaching, mentoring, or training. She covers soft skills, leadership matters and project management, all driven by the needs of the employee—so her coaching skills are extremely valuable. “In a small firm, I wear many hats. In addition to coaching and talent development, I support talent acquisition, project management, and group training design and delivery.” Michele is key in a multifaceted approach to building a strong coaching culture. “I’m proud to say we are celebrating our 30th anniversary at Slaughter Associates, one of the nation’s first fee-only wealth management firms ( “I am blessed that my coworkers recognize what a difference this work makes for all of us and how it helps our organization stand out so positively among our peers!”
Journey to Coaching. Michele has a degree in Finance, which helps her work alongside wealth management associates, and she has years of experience running her own Associate Management Services company and serving as a career coach for a global talent management firm. Dedicated to continuous learning, Michele is always adding coaching best practices, mostly through ICF training, plus the Association of Talent Development, LinkedIn Learning, Harvard Business Review, and more.
Why coaching? “Because it brings me joy!” shared Michele. “I get to help others in a long-lasting impactful way. I get to work with individuals who have high emotional maturity and,” she added, “because I work with such intelligent people, I find it’s constantly an ‘iron sharpening iron’ experience. I get to grow along with them.”
Why ICF North Texas? Michele is here to learn best practices for effective coaching from like-minded members. More than anything, she was attracted to ICF North Texas because there is a LINC group especially for internal coaches. “We focus energy on how to coach our clients very well, and it is exactly what I need,” Michele shared.
Favorite client story. We require financial planners to attend sessions with me for a period of time as new employees and after that, they can choose to continue or opt out. I remember working with Amy, a highly respected, seasoned employee who was a star performer. Amy graciously welcomed me into her office for coaching, but she later openly laughed and admitted in a staff meeting, “I was definitely a doubter about this whole coaching thing.” Then she added with enthusiasm, “But, I’m a believer now!!” She was held in such high esteem by our staff, that her public praise with such a delightful laugh and emphasis on the word “believer” still makes me smile. That paved the way for many more believers to come.
Outside of work, Michele loves time with her husband Ron and son Matt.

Get Involved
Making plans for 2022? Have you scheduled time to volunteer with ICF North Texas? Volunteering is a wonderful way to develop contacts, use your expertise, and become a leader in your local chapter. Programs, Special Events, Membership, Communications—whatever you enjoy doing, we have a role for you!
Please reach out to Natalie Mendez at
Join a LINC
Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group
If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Laurie Goetz for more information.
Global News
ICF Midwest Region Coaches Conference
September 28 - 30, 2022 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Do you have expertise to share with our coaching community? Be a presenter at our Midwest Coaches Conference. Click for RFP and Submission Guidelines.
Deadline for submission is December 31, 2021.
Thanks to Our Volunteers
Many thanks to our 2021 Program Team headed by Steven Hendon: Tyra Bremer, Ken Jenkins, Diane Whiting, Lisa Ong, and Cherie Silas. We appreciate you all!
Our Mission
Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches.
Our Vision
ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
- A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
- Continuing education
- Impactful contributions to the coaching profession