September 2021 Newsletter
ICF North Texas | Published on 9/6/2021
Important Dates
Sept 9: Last day to register for Celebrate Coaching!
Sept. 9: SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT
Sept 10: Celebrate Coaching 8:30 AM to Noon CT
Oct 8: Virtual Mo. Meeting/Program 11:15A - 1:15P CT
Oct 14: SE Region Webinar 12:00 - 1:30 PM CT
New Members and New Credentials
Welcome to Our New Members:
Leann Maxwell, PCC
Donna Weber
Monthly Events
September 9 Southeast Region Webinar
Body, Brain, and Behavior: The Neurobiology of Experiential Coaching
Amanda Blake
12:00 – 1:30 PM CT
Webinar Cost: ICF Global Members – $10 / Non-ICF Global Members – $20
Amanda Blake is the author of the award-winning book Your Body Is Your Brain, and creator of the Body = Brain course on the neurobiology of experiential leadership learning. In addition to teaching about the art and science of embodiment, she works with progressive leaders worldwide to help them become their best self, enjoy life more, and make a bigger contribution.
Research shows that emotional intelligence sets apart the successful and satisfied from the frustrated and struggling. But few people realize that our emotional and social intelligence emerge out of our somatic—or embodied—intelligence. Our capacity for courage, vision, resilience, connection, and leadership all have neurobiological roots. That’s great news, because it gives us a concrete path to train ourselves to embody vital life skills, such as a powerful presence, grace under pressure, and the ability to inspire others and resolve conflict. Just as we can build bigger biceps by lifting weights, we can train for greater resilience, better communication, and more influential leadership by tapping the wisdom of the body. In this session, we'll explore how embodied practices can transform your coaching—and your clients' lives.
CCEUs for this Webinar: 1 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development Credits
Read the entire webinar description and register here:
September 9 Southeast Region Webinar
Celebrate Coaching 2021
An ICF North Texas Virtual Event
Featuring Two Globally Regarded Speakers:
Marcia Reynolds, PhD, MCC and Richard Boyatzis, PhD
September 10, 2021
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM CT
Cost: $40
Deadline to Purchase Tickets is 5:00 PM CT on September 9
Many individuals and organizations have been steeped in cultures that emphasize performance and accountability—and goal setting. So why aren’t we getting what we want? How do we get people to change? To be more focused, more effective?
Our two speakers pack a one-two punch that you and your guests will be able to turn into action. While they are deeply connected among top thought leaders in their fields, they are both very dynamic and easy to interact with and understand. When you attend Celebrate Coaching 2021, you will come away with a greater understanding of why coaching is such a powerful way to help people move forward toward their dreams and best work.
Dr. Marcia Reynolds, MCC, helps us to see how we can help ourselves and others achieve “inner peace”—an internal stillness that indicates we are fully present with an openness and excitement that allows us to move toward excellence with our whole mind, body and spirit.
CCEUs for Dr. Reynolds: 1 Resource Development Credit
Dr. Richard Boyatzis shows us how goals can actually shut people down. And he recognizes that coaches have the opportunity to do the most powerful thing we can for others—help them open up their freedom and truly motivate them.
CCEUs for Dr. Boyatzis: 1 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development Credits
Read the entire Celebrate Coaching Event description and register here:
September 10 Celebrate Coaching 2021 Event
Chapter News
Call for Nominations: 2022 Board of Directors
An important role of the President-Elect position is formation of a Nominating Committee to identify candidates for the ICF North Texas board the following year. Tim Kincaid, 2021 President-Elect, formed the 2022 Board Nominating Committee of Susan Shapiro, Steve Coxsey and Ken Jenkins.
The four open 2022 board positions are President-Elect, Director of Membership, Director of Alliances and Partnerships, and Director of Communications. Eligible candidates for President-Elect must have served for at least one year as a Director on the ICF North Texas board. For Director positions, our chapter’s strong preference is for candidates to have prior experience as a chapter volunteer and a chapter committee member.
Any member in good standing who wants to be considered for an open board role, or wants to suggest another member for an open board role, should contact Tim at by September 10.
Professional Coaching Recognized as a Tool for Business to Invest in Their Employees
Professional Coaching is becoming more and more recognized as the best way for people to progress in their careers and lives, per this Forbes Magazine article. Here’s an excerpt from the piece: One of the most pervasive myths out there is that executive coaching is only for senior executives. Let me put that to rest here and now. The truth is coaching is a secret weapon for people on many rungs of the corporate ladder, but especially for mid-level people leaders who may be eyeing that corner office (or one near it) but haven't made it there yet.
Member Snapshot - Lisa Ong, PCC
We love to share information about our ICF North Texas Chapters, and to appreciate what a deep and broad coaching experience we have across our members. This month, we are highlighting someone who is not new to coaching, but has recently launched her own coaching and consulting business called Wishing Out Loud. Let's meet Lisa Ong, PCC.
Lisa’s Business: Wishing Out Loud is Lisa’s executive coaching and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging consulting firm, named for her trademarked coaching approach where she helps people to move from “stuck” to “wishing out loud.” She launched her business in January 2020, and when the pandemic lockdown limited our usual way of life and then racial tensions grew with George Floyd’s death, many people realized they needed the services Lisa offers (as she says, counting heads and making individuals count). Over this past year, more organizations than ever want to do more to enhance their equity and justice lens to improve inclusion and belonging and to address racial injustice. Lisa works with them to listen to their leadership, staff, and other stakeholders so that they can co-create strategy and implementation plans together.
Training: Lisa Ong enjoyed a very successful career in the corporate world, which included being an internal coach as a national Office of Diversity & Inclusion talent management director for many years at PwC, as well as an HR director, and a financial audit senior manager. She also has a BBA in Accounting, an MS in Management which included UT-Dallas coaching program. She has also earned her ICF PCC and she maintains her Texas CPA license.
Why coaching? "I call myself a ‘talent gardener’ and ‘inclusion connector’ because I love seeing people thrive and grow in community," Lisa explained. “Coaching allows me to live my purpose to help others overcome societal barriers through meaningful, trusting relationships.”
Lisa explained that she enjoys seeing clients get promoted, especially when she knows they rose to executive level leadership roles as a result of participating in leadership development and coaching programs, enabling them to leave their self-doubt behind. In addition, she gets ongoing joy as a result of the ten years she taught an Asian Cultural Awareness Coaching program to more than 5,000 early career Asian American Pacific Island (AAPI staff and their supervisors). She sahared, “Hearing from past learners who let me know how much the leadership sessions and coaching have shifted their thinking so they can celebrate their cultural strengths to accelerate authentically and boldly in their career paths - well, it bring me joy!”
Why are you an ICF-NT member?
- Love the support! Was in the LINC group ACC to PCC and it was so encouraging and helped me accomplish sooner.
- Why not? I tell everyone they should join ICF North Texas for its valuable network. I used to be an internal coach and the connections I've made through ICF North Texas helped me shift to launch my own coaching and consulting firm after 30 years in the corporate world. Many members have provided me excellent mentoring and advice—about what not to do—saving me money and time.
- I've enjoyed serving on the Programs Committee with Steve Hendon to secure great speakers and meet member needs.
- Also, the chance to provide pro bono coaching with quality organizations like North Texas Food Bank and the annual Texas Conference for Women.
- And when we are able to be in person, it has been fun to greet members at the door and get to know more of our area coaches!
What else? “I am grateful that, despite the pandemic, the virtual meetings have kept us all connected and even expanded our group. Being an active member has been a wonderful way to meet other experienced coaches who have grown my learning and my business. In my work, my approach to unleash the full value of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) is to focus on Belonging, helping each of us see how we can change the world. ICF North Texas has truly welcomed me and helped me feel like I belong. I ask that you take a moment to recognize the power you each have in extending a personal invitation to those who would benefit from being part of a vibrant, generous, caring coaching community. Invite someone to join you at Celebrate Coaching or any monthly meeting and they will thank you!

My firm logo is a circle since I'm an inclusion connector. As a talent gardener, I chose the peony flower for two reasons: it's the Chinese flower for wealth and prosperity which I wish for my clients, and my mother-in-law used to grow them with love, and we honor her memory with peonies. I chose blues and greens for our colors because it's all about world impact. Helping clients to dream big, keep wishing out loud, and shining brightly for greater brilliance excites me.
I used to wear a red jacket at conferences and eventually realized that many Asian American Pacific Islander women do, so I began wearing my cowboy boots at all of the national CPA and AAPI conferences. As a diversity leader, it also helps me to avoid the double question, "Where are you From? Where are you REALLY from?" because in Plano, Texas, they rarely ask, “Where are you REALLY from?” when I wear the boots.
Visit, which includes Lisa’s blog. Learn More About Lisa on These Podcasts:
UTD Jindal School of Management awarded me a 2020 OWLIE (Outstanding Worthy Leader Involved Exceptionally) Alumni Award for my mentoring of students and faculty and serving on their graduate accounting Advisory Board.
Listed in The Dallas 500 for 2021 and 2021 by D CEO Magazine for most powerful in business in DFW in the consulting, and diversity executive categories.
We are delighted to count Lisa as one of our many fantastic members of ICF-NT!
Get Involved
Our organization depends on our volunteers. We appreciate all you do to keep us such a vibrant ICF chapter!
Please reach out to Jane Koenecke if you are able to help with communications such as coordinating emails or writing newsletter articles. Thank you!
Join a LINC
Laugh Interact Nurture Contribute
Members are welcome to join these new LINC groups:
ACC Prep and Coaching Start-Up
Internal Coaches group
PCC Certification group
If you are interested in learning more about the currently active LINC groups, contact Laurie Goetz for more information.
Global News
ICF Converge21
Are you ready to grow, learn, expand, lead and inspire? Then join the global coaching community for three days of innovative learning and hear from some of the top speakers in the coaching industry. ICF Converge21 is an experience you won't get anywhere else. Register now.
Thanks to Our Volunteers
We’d like to acknowledge Tyra Bremer for her dedication to bringing ICF North Texas the Southeast Region Webinars. In addition to other work she does for the chapter, nearly every month of the year Tyra does the work that helps us access the webinar or recordings. This gives our chapter members and associates a wonderful advantage of this ongoing opportunity to learn and earn CCEUs.
We appreciate you, Tyra!
Our Mission
Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches.
Our Vision
ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
- A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
- Continuing education
- Impactful contributions to the coaching profession