Chapter News
Five Takeaways from ICF North Texas Annual Meeting of November 8
On November 8, ICF North Texas hosted its annual member meeting. Diverting from the traditional format of hosting a speaker on a topic related to coaching skills or the business of coaching, this meeting offered the opportunity to reflect on the chapter’s accomplishments throughout the year and also to thank our volunteers in the chapter, including the outgoing Board of Directors. We also announced the results of the election of the 2020 Board members.
If you couldn’t make the meeting (or even if you were there), here are five takeaways from the 2019 Annual Meeting.
- ICF Global is shifting in how it’s organized (and the name is changing—slightly). The International Coach Federation will become the International Coaching Federation in January 2020. Read more about why and learn about the six specialty families created within the ICF to better serve members and the profession.
- We’ve had a busy year. Learn more about the ICF-NT 2019 Strategic Priorities and our accomplishments throughout the year.
- We have a NEW Members Only Facebook Group! Our chapter currently has both a Facebook page and a Facebook group. The Facebook group is called ICF North Texas Members and Guests and originated in 2017 to promote communication among members and friends of the chapter. This group is phasing out and being replaced with a “member only” group which will allow us to share information relevant to members specifically and also opportunities that are available only to members. General information about the chapter can still be found on our Facebook page, which is accessible to members and non-members. If you are a chapter member, be sure to join the group. And if you’re not a chapter member, why not join us?
- Welcome to the Incoming 2020 Board of Directors!
- ICF NT membership is growing year over year!

New Year ... New Learning Opportunities
Join us for a monthly meeting or webinar in 2020
The Programs team is hard at work putting together a schedule of outstanding programming for our 2020 monthly meetings (held on the second Friday of every month—go ahead and block those dates now!). The Programs team, led in 2019 by Kathleen Klaviter, will be in great hands in 2020 under the leadership of Steve Hendon, a long time Programs team member. Together, Kathleen and Steve along with their committee are scheduling speakers based on input gathered from you about what you want to learn about in the New Year. Here is just a taste of what’s coming:
January 7, 2020 — Monthly meetings aren’t the only place for you to get great programs from ICF NT. We will also host webinars in 2020 as we did in 2019. Beginning the year strong is something Katherine Bock will help us with during a webinar on planning your 2020.
January 10, 2020 — Sandi MItchell, PCC, member of ICF North Texas, will speak about her work with one of her clients that resulted in being nominated for the Global Prism award (given for excellence in coaching in organizations).
February 14, 2020 — Meg Rentschler, host of the Star Coaches Podcast (subscribe if you haven’t; it’s a must for coaches) along with Steve Coxsey, ICF NT member and supervision coach, will be speaking about Establishing the Coaching Agreement. This is an area where coaches don’t reach their full potential (and, therefore, frequently don’t pass their oral exam). More details are forthcoming, but save the date. You don’t want to miss this.
If you have other program ideas or introductions you can make to potential speakers, please contact
The Story Behind Our Chapter's Recognition Award for 2018
In mid November, three of our Presidents joined Anik Clemens from ICF Global for a “fireside chat” of sorts via Zoom to discuss what went into ICF North Texas being named a Chapter Recognition winner in 2018.
The Chapter Recognition program recognizes overall excellence rather than one specific initiative. Chapters were selected base on content they offered in Chapter Activity Reports at the end of 2018 according to ICF’s criteria for high-performing Chapters. Based on these criteria, a high-performing Chapter is:
- Agile
- Adaptable
- Accountable
- Sustainable
- Caring
- Innovative
- Relevant
You can read more about the markers of a high performing Chapter at
Catherine Oleksiw, PCC, 2018 President, along with Jude Olson, 2017 President and Mike Caracalas, current 2019 President shared during the webinar how the success of the chapter in 2018 was based on the work of all the leaders, board and chapter members from our over 20-plus year history. Specifically, three pillars encompass what has driven the chapter’s growth and success: Strategy, Leadership and Engagement.
Oleksiw said, “The success of the 2018 chapter reflects the dedication displayed by the 2018 board and past boards committed to improving chapter membership experience and reexamining what was working and what needed to change. 2018 was a time of riding a perfect wave that had been building over several years. It was intentional to include three presidents on the webinar to represent our chapter’s focus on continuous improvement.”
The 2018 award was a definite culmination of much effort and dedication. Learn more about what goes into building an award-winning chapter by listening to the recording of the webinar.
2020 ICF All-Texas Retreat and Conference
April 2 - 5, 2020
Canyon of the Eagles on Scenic Lake Buchanan

Register Here
Now is the time to reserve your place at the 2020 ICF All-Texas Coaches Retreat and Conference at the Canyon of the Eagles in Burnet, Texas, April 2-5, 2020.
The time is ticking!
Make sure you are a member of the ICFTX Facebook group. As we have for the past two years, we will update the Facebook group with all the information you’ll need so that we won’t fill your inbox.
For lodging and more details, go to the Retreat & Conference Facebook page.
Read all the retreat details here:
2020 All-Texas Retreat & Conference
Register Here
This Month's Volunteer Opportunities
Create announcement slides used at monthly meeting (pre-designed template just needs to be updated monthly) (contact
Join a LINC
Learn about
active LINCs and how to join
If you’re interested in creating a LINC, please contact
Jim Cooper. He’ll give you a pat on the back, some best practices for getting started and make sure that we know about your new LINC so we can communicate it to the chapter.
News from ICF Global
2019 Global Coaching Survey
Note: Last Month to Participate
The last time a Global Coaching Study was commissioned by Price Waterhouse Coopers and the ICF was 2015. But, it’s the fourth time that this important survey has been conducted. What is it? The survey is designed to engage with as many coaches as possible to provide an up-to-date picture of the coaching profession and empower coaches to embrace the opportunities and meet the challenges ahead. It explores diverse topics, including Industry size and revenue, the business and practice of coaching, and perspectives on industry trends, including regulation, technology and more.
And it’s not just for coaches. This will be the second time that managers/leaders using coaching skills are included in the study. In 2015, their inclusion enabled us to achieve powerful insights into the growth of coaching cultures within businesses and organizations.
Anyone who fits one of the categories below can take the survey:
- External coach practitioners
- Internal coach practitioners
- Coaches who self-identify as both external and internal coach practitioners
- HR/talent development managers/leaders who use coaching skills
- Managers/leaders who use coaching skills
The survey benefits coaches by giving them insights into where they can grow their business and help them understand where they fit into the marketplace.
The survey is open through December, 2019. But, don’t delay. Complete the survey and send the link to someone you know who is a coach or someone who is a manager or leader utilizing coaching. We all can benefit by participating in this important research. For more information, visit ICF Global.
ICF Coaching Competencies Updated - First Time Since Creation in 1998
Since 1998, the ICF Core Competencies have provided a vital foundation for the coaching profession.
When we first created the Core Competencies and developed the ICF Code of Ethics, we set the standard in the coaching field. The ICF Core Competencies were first identified and articulated by eight pioneers in our profession, all of whom were committed to creating greater understanding about the knowledge and skills needed for effective coaching.
In any profession, it is best practice to perform a job analysis regularly to ensure a competency model remains a valid and accurate reflection of professional practice. ICF last conducted a job analysis in 2008, and our profession has since grown and evolved significantly.
Over the past 24 months, we’ve been engaged in rigorous job analysis research. From start to finish, more than 1,300 coaches—both ICF Members and non-members—from around the globe have participated in this process. These coaches represented a diverse range of coaching disciplines, training backgrounds, coaching styles, and experience and credentialing levels. No other coaching certification body has undertaken this level of research, and we’re incredibly proud of the quality, integrity and validity of our evidence-based approach to credentialing and to the value it brings to ICF credential holders.
You can find more details on the new competency model, including a video with coaches from around the world involved in the project on the ICF Global website.
A webinar will be hosted on December 10 at 8a CST and 5p CST and will more fully address changes and have an opportunity for Q&A. Register here to attend one of these two webinars (registration for webinar is at the bottom of the page).
2019 ICF North Texas New Members
Welcome to Our 2019 New Members
Kelly Alberthal
Julie Hagood Sheeder
Ingrid Nunez
Valerie Alexander
Ginette Hamby
John Paine
Laurie Benezra-Arron
Chad Harrigan
Randy Raines
Laura Bushnell
Jennifer Henagar
Ann Marie Rogers
Amy Chorost
Stephen Hevesi
Frederick Sanders
Leighann Christian
Jenni Hubby
Christopher Schoolcraft
Suzanne Coupe
Elonda Johnson
Richard Stoner
Teresa Dabney
Jane Koenecke
Brad Sullard
Nidia Garza
Shawn Landrum
Tanya Thomas
Sumom Geevarughese
Wendy Lee
Jean Vance
Deanna Goodson
April Lewis
Elaina Wesel
Steve Graham
Krystin Lopez
Charlotte Williams
Tricia Green
Julie Markese
Angela Gunshore
Iva Mishra
2019 ICF North Texas Members' Milestone Anniversaries

Our Mission
Our mission is to grow and develop a competent coaching community that drives results for coaches and those they serve. We do this by providing strong credentialed coaches, educational programs, and rich resources for internal and external coaches, and organizations and individuals seeking coaches.
Our Vision
ICF-NT will be known as the leading resource for the coaching community and the organizations and individuals it serves by providing:
- A collaborative network of credentialed coaches
- Continuing education
- Impactful contributions to the coaching profession